G2: Mysql stuff


Joined: 2002-09-09
Posts: 32
Posted: Thu, 2002-10-10 18:13

Okay: no need for support, just retrieved the cvs:
copied, modified the config.php-dist to config.php
username, password all correct no error
however: the mysql database already exist. Only tables have to be inserted
but .. this is the error I see / get.

mysql): SELECT g2_GalleryModuleMap.g_moduleName,g2_GalleryModuleMap.g_active FROM g2_GalleryModuleMap
1146: Table 'partyfreaks.g2_GalleryModuleMap' doesn't exist
mysql error: [1146: Table 'partyfreaks.g2_GalleryModuleMap' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SELECT g2_GalleryModuleMap.g_moduleName,g2_GalleryModuleMap.g_active FROM g2_GalleryModuleMap") file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/) is_dir(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/) is_writeable(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/) fopen(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2//setup826345, w, 0) unlink(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2//setup826345) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/albums/) is_dir(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/albums/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/albums/) is_writeable(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/albums/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/cache/) is_dir(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/cache/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/cache/) is_writeable(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/cache/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/tmp/) is_dir(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/tmp/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/tmp/) is_writeable(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/tmp/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/smarty/) is_dir(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/smarty/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/smarty/) is_writeable(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/smarty/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/smarty/templates_c/) is_dir(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/smarty/templates_c/) file_exists(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/smarty/templates_c/) is_writeable(/home/sites/site95/web/gallery/gallery2/smarty/templates_c/) A database error occurred. This typically happens because you have some invalid data in your gallery/config.php, or your database is not configured properly.

When you think you have resolved this problem, you can click this button to try again:

The following output was generated by the above operation. Under normal circumstances, no output is generated by the Gallery setup operations, so this is probably a warning or error of some kind that deserves special attention.
(mysql): CREATE DATABASE partyfreaks
1007: Can't create database 'partyfreaks'. Database exists
mysql error: [1007: Can't create database 'partyfreaks'. Database exists] in EXECUTE("CREATE DATABASE partyfreaks")

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2002-10-12 01:01

Don't create the database, let setup.php create it for you.


Joined: 2002-10-11
Posts: 19
Posted: Sat, 2002-10-12 02:28

I get errors when I try to let it create a db that the user does not have rights. thru my control pannel I can create a db and username and password. Is there a way to manually create the tables or to let it use an existing data base. I have a data base already created that I use for something else and would like to just append to that one.


Joined: 2002-09-09
Posts: 32
Posted: Sat, 2002-10-12 08:48


you are missing the point.

the partyfreaks database in this situation (as example) is an existing mysql database at a webhost who is only providing 1 database.
As it is possible to use multiple programs (guestbook, movabletype etc. etc. in 1 database (just make sure the tables are unique in that database) it's impossible to tell someone: do not create the database: the database does exist, so the procedure call which tells gallery: if exist than do nothing or go on with this step .... is false cause it expects that it has to create a database.

at my first host it is impossible to remove the database so it has to be 'installed' at a database already existing.

Of course I do understand: far from release version but it's important to have a
good installation procedure.

at my 2nd host it's possible for me to create as many databases as possible, but there we found other problems.

Don't create the database, let setup.php create it for you.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2002-10-14 00:19

Believe me, I understand what you want. But the code doesn't support it, and won't for a while. I won't spend time on the install code until the bulk of the app is complete.


Joined: 2002-09-09
Posts: 32
Posted: Mon, 2002-10-14 14:07

ooooowwwkeee.. Now I understand..

Than I'll keep testing it at my 'development' server :wink: