2.0: watermark, comments, ecards, shop

ideon's picture

Joined: 2003-03-08
Posts: 41
Posted: Sat, 2004-01-03 14:19

My Gallery 2.0 feature suggestions are:

1. dynamic watermark plugin
2. most recent comments block (without it the people cannot start their discussions around the photos)
3. very simple postcard plugin
4. some shop functions - (as simple application for buying the photos)
5. mayby simple voting plugin

I guess the gallery should still breath and not to be overcovered by all these new functions. I guess the watermark plugin is the very necessary for every gallery owner.

Bharat, thank you for all your work! Without gallery I wouldnt be where I am.

Peoii's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2004-01-04 07:16

I must say, especially the watermark feature interests me, as it is an addon for the 1.x series, and I'd love to be able to continue use of that.

Another feature I'd like to see is a "Bulk Add" which would allow me to add a large number of photo's already uploaded to the server. Say I have a folder like "myCats", well, I could simply select that folder, and tell it which category to add them all into (all in the same folder would go to the same category), and voila, bulk-add without any re-uploading required.

Other than that though, from what I've seen, G2 definately looks worth waiting for, and I can't wait. Might have to try out the CVS builds on my test-box just so I can quell the anticipation.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-05 06:52

Don Willingham is working on the G2 watermarking feature and it sounds like he's mostly got it working. Stay tuned.

The rest of these features will definitely wind up in the product, but it'll take a little while to write them. Somebody has already written a random block and most-recent-albums/photos block so we'll probably get that in pretty soon also.

The bulk add feature is already in (and has been in for a few months now). Check it out!

Peoii's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-05 10:12

Very very nice! I can't wait!

I'm anxiously waiting a full release of this, and I've done some mild testing with G2 tonight, though for some reason, I get a "document contains no data" when trying to upload any pictures.

Very strange indeed, so I'll be playing with that some more to find out what's up.

Peoii's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-05 10:33

UPDATE: Appears I only get that error when attempting to upload 5 images at the same time. Otherwise, it doesn't give me any problems. Odd.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-05 21:50

"Document contains no data" is usually an indication that Apache has crashed, which is generally due to a bug in PHP. Check your Apache error log and see if it's reporting segmentation faults, etc. While this behaviour may be triggered by G2, it's not a bug in our code (and changing our code to adapt to PHP bugs is generally a losing proposition). Usually upgrading PHP solves the problem, but let us know if it doesn't.