Random Block for PHPNuke 6.9 and Gallery 1.4.1


Joined: 2003-02-27
Posts: 8
Posted: Sat, 2003-12-27 20:57

Hi All:

I have tried all the blocks out there I could find, but none seems to work! The closest I got to work is the one by Joerg but it's showing the message "There isn't content right now for this block."

View my problem at http://thaira.org

If any one out there got the solution, I will really appreicate your help. I looked into this problem for days now, looked through the forums also. Please help me out on this. Many thanks in advance.

Somroj :cry:


Joined: 2003-04-25
Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 2003-12-28 07:52

I've got the same configuration as yours (PHPNuke 6.9 and Gallery 1.4.1), and just installed the block I found over at Nukedgallery and it works great.

http://www.nukedgallery.net/postt497.html is the link to the forum message/download.