User Permissions


Joined: 2002-10-07
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2002-10-07 22:56


There are a few different options included when it comes to assigning permissions, however, I see a major one missing.

1) I can let EVERYBODY add/change/delete photos (including anybody else's)
2) I can assign usernames and passwords and assign permissions, but they can still modify everybody else's photos.


1)I would like to be able to let EVERYBODY post new photos and add sub albums, but not Main albums. I would like it so that they can not modify or change once they are up there.


2) Assign usernames and passwords that allow users to add/change/delete ONLY the photos they posted and nothing else.
3) Guests could log in to browse and NOTHING else.

Please let me know if these are coming in a new release, or if they are already included, please tell me how to do this. I would prefer the 1st option under suggestions.

Thank you.