Trying Gallery 1.4.1 in eXoops modules dir... not showing...


Joined: 2003-11-28
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2003-11-29 00:10

Disclaimer: yes I am a newbie, be nice...

I've installed Gallery and the config went fine. My problem is that having put it all in my modules folder, it won't show in my system admin module to be activated.

My setup is E-Xoops 1.05 Rev3. I had tried xgallery 1.3.2 but was advised to try Gallery 1.4.1 by Joan. My initial problem with netPBM seems to be solved, now it's just getting Gallery recognized as a module.

Thanks in advance,

joan's picture

Joined: 2002-10-21
Posts: 3473
Posted: Sat, 2003-11-29 11:51


If you want integration with a CMS, then you may be stuck with whatever version that integration was done with. And as the integration with Xoops was a major job (they replaced the comments facility in Gallery with the Xoops comments facility), it would be a major job to start using 1.3.2.

I guess we can go back to the previous thread and sort out your problem - which is basicly that you had downloaded Windows binaries, and you probably need FreeBSD for that host.


Joined: 2003-11-28
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2003-11-29 13:23

The FreeBSD version of netPBM did fix that problem. I just didn't realize my webhosts setup.

I think I'll go back and try xgallery 1.3.2 in my E-Xoops modules folder. That version is working fine for another person's website ( It may not have all the bells & whistles of 1.4.1 but it still will be sufficient for my images.

Thanks again for all you help and suggestions,