I'm French, please excuse me if my english is not very well 
In my gallery 3.0.9, I created a special guest account with the permission to add photos and albums.
But, when I want to upload photos with this account, the photos seem to be normally uploaded, until the end, when It's written "The upload script was not found". So I can't upload photos with this upload system (It's the "default" upload system, the one there was when I installed Gallery).
When I want to add photos with my admin account, there is no problem, everything works !
Does someone have an idea ??
Thank you,
Posts: 67
Probably an host specific issue, see:
Posts: 3
Thank you for your answer.
I had already seen this issue, I tried but I'm not enough specialist to change these 2 files (php.ini, and .htaccess), I can technically change these, but I don't really understand "the logic".
And I don't know what "suhosin" means...
My host is OVH, I already these 2 files on my server, so I changed these lines.
Concerning php.ini I think it was OK, but for the .htaccess file I don't really understand where I nead to write this line...
This is the post we refer to :
"To disable suhosin:
Create a file and name it php.ini and put it in the directory where you wish to install gallery 3
and write the following in it:
display_errors = Off
log_errors = On
error_log = logs/errors
suhosin.session.encrypt = Off
Now open your .htaccess file in the root directory.
and add the following to it:
suPHP_ConfigPath /path/to/new/php.ini/file/in/root/directory
For me this was:
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/user/public_html/sitename.com/gallery3"
Posts: 67
php.ini and .htaccess are partial local overrides for server settings.
Try this in the php.ini:
Try this in the .htaccess file:
If both dont work, try in the .htaccess:
To find the correct path create a php file in the gallery3 folder containing:
And visit this file through your webbrowser. After getting the path delete this php file.
(WARNING: Simulation On = Suhoshin Disabled!)
Posts: 3
Thank you.
I wasn't able to do it, it didn't work, so I looked for another solution : I installed the module "HTML5 Upload Progress", and it works well, with all the accounts.
Thank you again !