Use another web address or ftp site for hosting gallery pics (Hot Linking)


Joined: 2014-04-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2014-04-27 19:08

I have searched thoroughly for an answer for this so please be patient if this has already been asked. I have recently installed Gallery 3.x without any problems but now I would like to point gallery to the location of photos which is on my NAS drive at home which I can access online using ftp or http. Is this possible to do it or not and if is then what and where do I need to make any changes in Gallery.



Joined: 2010-12-20
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2014-05-02 15:42

* Before you try, I recommend you to create a dummy Gallery3 install, just to make sure it works, so you don't brake anything.

I recommend to create an NFS share on the NAS, then replicate the content of your gallery to the NAS, or just the /var content using rsync to keep integrity. (rsync -rtvaz /source /destination )
Mount your NAS share at the same level as your /var.
I use similar setups for large production environments, ranging from Open Street maps servers, Google Earth servers, File server, etc, on these cases I use soft links, using the command (ln -s)
Make sure your NAS never,ever goes down before your main box.

I assume you have the know how for each one of the steps, if you don't Google is your friend.