Hi, I'm new here
On my site, my web designer set me up with Gallery 3, just did a check for updates and nothing came up. I noticed on a desktop or mobile device, there is no way to thumb through images, ob mobile the "next" is hard to find, this could be a problem causing me higher bounce rates. Is there a way to upgrade so this is possible for easier viewing through photos? I've been able to learn most the basic stuff by playing in the dashboard / control panel but was unable to find this, any help is appreciated, thanks!!
Posts: 27300
You can change the theme you are using.
perhaps the http://codex.galleryproject.org/Gallery3:Themes:iMobile is better for your mobile visitors.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7
Thanks! Would I then lose my content, or is it seamless?
Posts: 27300
Theme changes don't affect content.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7
Thanks for that
Will a mobile theme work for desktop viewers too?
Posts: 27300
yes, but the theme dispatcher module will show different themes for desktop versus mobile, giving a better user experience.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7
Trying to find how to do it, very cloddy
Posts: 7
I mean theme dispatcher module.
Posts: 27300
Ask specific question to get better help.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7
I appreciate your help, I really do. I just don't understand this. I tried to download the theme dispatcher to make any selections or changes. I went to the theme dispatcher link and the download page wasn't available...I'm not a web techie guy but know basic wordpress functions etc. I'm a photographer and Photoshop specialist as primary functions, please forgive the lack of knowledge here about this. I was hoping it were like wordpress themes where I can preview functions and appearance. My main thing is images being enlargable as they are now, and there being a way to advance through images without having to find the word next. I don't even see a way to preview the mobile theme or install it. This isn't making sense to me, lol. I may need to wait for my developer to get freed up and take over, but I think I'm just missing something. If it were Wordpress, I could pull it off. Oh, Merry Christmas, almost :D
Posts: 8
Hi there.
Do you have ftp access to your website? You will need that or something like it to upload the module and themes they are talking about to your website. Once they are uploaded then you will be able to preview the theme and see what it looks like. You will also be able to enable or disable the module from the control panel.
If you have ftp access and are game to try and install the theme and module we can walk you thought it.
Posts: 7
I do, I save that for my developer. I mainly do stuff in Wordpress myself, and leave the rest to her. I had a friend tell me about a mobile device simulator, and I'm wondering if I even have an issue with my gallery and how it's set up. I am guessing most do not enlarge photos when viewing on phones, but am inclined to believe most would view the thumbnail images and do it that way. If you enlarge, you must click on the next arrow. My site is www.jayfarrellphotography.com do you think I even have an issue, before I pursue this too much? When clicking on galleries, and viewing a photo gallery I mean.
Posts: 1
I want to add photo gallery to my site that is developed on a wordpress platform. Could gallery 3.0 be beneficial to for me. Please let me know how can i do so. I have combined images of patients before and after their hair transplantation. Is this work for it or i have to upload each digital image of a patient separately.