Good evening, G3 geeks 
Yes, I am aware that G3 is not supported for Windows, and do not need anyone to remind me.
I've been running G2 fine for many years now. Also upgraded to G3 just fine (*cough, ok admittedly, it took the hell of patience, hahah)
So anyways:
I am receiving this error:
Oh no! Your server needs a configuration change in order for you to hide photos! Ask your server administrator to enable mod_rewrite and set AllowOverride FileInfo Options to fix this.
when I try to edit permissions for individual albums.
I am running the Gallery 3.0.9 on IIS 7.5. I am using Helicon Ape (yes it really works) - helicontech dot com/ape/doc/ . H.E. is an addon to IIS to enable apache compatibility. Then edited my .htaccess to removed comment tags for this part:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?kohana_uri=$1 [QSA,PT,L]
RewriteRule ^$ index.php?kohana_uri=$1 [QSA,PT,L]
RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*) $1 [QSA,R,L]
The Rewrite Engine works fine. I can use short URLs like "pics.mysite (dot net)/AlbumName2/Subfolder" just fine.
I just don't understand: How would Gallery3 determine if these settings are correct?
I assume the script to identify the settings is just trying to find the httpd.conf in a linux path .
If I could edit the code to check the actual windows path where the file resides, or a similar solution - that would be great.
Thanks for serious suggestions !
Posts: 8
darn the spam protection on this board is seriously sensitive :D
Posts: 204
Can you explain why you are using Helicon? I don't need or use it for Gallery to run. It runs 98-99% fine on IIS 7/7.5 with just my basic settings that you've been following.
Check the email I sent you, if that doesn't help, post here what you did, what I had you do... and see if any of the linux buddies here can help you out...
Windows Install Guide
Posts: 8
short URLS / URL rewrite was always dodgy for me with the MS / IIS default features.
It actually never really worked for me. G3 is querying .htaccess files - and helicon ape is capable of using local .htaccess files for all sorts of apache relevant things.
That's why...
Thanks for popping in, pal!
Posts: 204
If you are having issues with rewrites, I'd suggest ditching ANY 3rd party wamp/xamp/apache based items. Since you ARE on a windows platform. I've had 0% issues with url-rewrites and I've been running my blog off Nucleus and Wordpress which require that. I'm going to point the finger at Helicon Ape only because that's the only part of the equation I've never factored into my Windows setups. Have you tried searching on Helicon's site seeing if others had rewrite issues?
Windows Install Guide
Posts: 8
I don't have rewrite issues, I have issues with Gallery THINKING I would not have rewrite enabled - probably because it looks at a wrong file location.
The rewrites work fine - it is just this permissions section saying I would need to change settings. Settings I've set / changed / added already and appear to be working fine (for other parts of G3 and other sub sites).
However: So you are saying you got user friendly URLs like running with IIS URL rewrite?
I don't rely on H.A. and I would even uninstall H.A. and give URL rewrite another chance (as this never worked for me) if you told me that it would work with G3.
Another thing is: I had item based permissions / restrictions / running in G2. I DELETED all those albums and files which I needed these hidings and I'd be fine to have Album based permissions only, if it would just WORK RIGHT in the end.
I suspect that this error message might even be obsolete - just due to the import from G2.
How did you set up IIS URL rewrite to enable those user friendly URLs?
How can I get rid of this darn error message which apparently does not make sense?
Again: Your continued help really is highly appreciated, R.!
Posts: 204
Using the Mod_Rewrite plugin that's in my wiki guide below you can configure all of that.
Windows Install Guide
Posts: 8
Cool! Been there, tried it, and was not lucky. Could you paste a screen shot what / where you configured mod_rewrite? I got it installed. But it is not doing anything for the reason that I have got no clue what to set up. Merry xmas to you!
Posts: 204
You don't have to configure it at all. Run the EXE and it auto installs. I've never once touched the settings. Ever. I use it for WordPress not for the gallery. I just know it's a requirement for the gallery and haven't use it.
You'd have to go to Microsoft's forum for rewrite help. Or google / search here for troubleshooting it. I don't use the fancy url's.
And Merry Christmas to you as well..
Windows Install Guide