Installing the LDAP module with OpenLDAP


Joined: 2013-10-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2013-10-25 08:41

Hi - I tried to install the LDAP module on my Gallery 3.09 installation, and it broke it. I could not find any docs so I did a fresh install and have the same problem.

With the second install I got

2013-10-25 08:07:06 +00:00 --- error: exception 'Exception' with message 'IdentityProvider ldap: Couldn't find the admin user!' in /var/www/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/IdentityProvider.php:90

at the top of the log file, and later

13-10-25 08:07:07 +00:00 --- error: load_user Exception: @todo NO_USER_LIBRARY_CONFIGURATION_FOR: user

I'm a bit confused about the ldap configuration file. Which bits refer to the Gallery configuration and which bits to the LDAP configuration?

What I did:

guest_user - I do not have a guest user in my LDAP server
groups - I used an LDAP group
everybody_group - I've tried an LDAP Group and the Everybody group from gallery
registered_users_group - same as above, but with Registered Users from gallery
admins - tries an ldap user and the admin user from gallery
admin_mail - my email

the rest are from my LDAP server:
"group_domain" => "ou=Users,dc=robertson,dc=net,dc=nz",
"user_domain" => "ou=Groups,dc=robertson,dc=net,dc=nz",
"bind_rdn" => "cn=zentyal,dc=robertson,dc=net,dc=nz",
"bind_password" => "password",

So any help would be appreciated.

