Create album download pages using downloadalbum


Joined: 2009-08-09
Posts: 25
Posted: Fri, 2013-09-06 23:18

I use download album module for my site to allow users to download from my gallery, however this is a huge drain on my bandwidth. even though i have both unlimited upload and download through my host, the speed of said upload/download is limited. I can currently have up to 100 people download at around 8Mbps (so around 800Mbps). This, However, is not good enough as at any one time i can have up to 300 people downloading. My site does not generate enough revenue for me to increase the internet enough to accommodate both my users and my future users.
The only way i can see to fix this (as much as it pains me to do it) is to make it so the download album button redirects to a Static page. This static page will have a 30second counter and 3 CPM ads. After 30 seconds the counter will show the button. I have NO IDEA how to even go about that. Im sure ill need the pages module so that static pages can be created.
I do notice that the button shows a download link as
im thinking maybe i can somehow have gallery auto make a static page for each of the galleries (so if the gallery is number 2215 then the page will be 2215. When you click download album instead of going to /downloadalbum/zip/album/number, it will go to index.php/page/number (the number same as the album number) and then when the timer is done, it shows the download album button that uses the original
however all pages used will have the add code and counter.
Im not sure if this will work or even how to get started. Any and all help doing this will be great.
The reason i dont do a crap load of static pages by hand and do this is simple. I have 1800 albums and around 2-3 new ones added a day.


Joined: 2005-12-17
Posts: 1857
Posted: Sun, 2013-09-08 00:06

How familiar are you with PHP?
What you're requesting can be done, but it's (obviously) a custom request and would have to be coded.
If you know php but want assistance thinking out the steps/methods used, I can help; if you don't know php and need someone to basically do this for you, I don't have the time right now (maybe in a month or so?) but you might give the services forum a try: (at the bottom of the page).

It might also be worth getting a new host, or at least a new plan with your current host.