File/Mime Types - Anyone Please!


Joined: 2002-09-14
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2002-10-02 06:42

Could someone please direct me as to how to allow users to upload different filetypes other than the ones allowable under a default installation?

I would like to include WAV, ASF, ASX, SWF, TXT, .DOC and HTML files as legit uploads with thumbnails that I would make for them. Unlike eGallery, there is no extension/mime editor.

I searched and saw something that resembled what I was looking for, but it was in German or CZ and I only speak english. While the code snippet example was in English, all the surrounding discussion was a mystery to me.

Thanks & Cheers!


Joined: 2002-09-14
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2002-10-03 04:46

Does no one have any expertise in this area? I thought would have been relatively simple... anyone?


Joined: 2002-10-08
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2002-10-08 16:31

check this out.. I have done some work with flash and I keep it updated here:

you can do something similar to the other file types though, not sure how it will display since I have not done work on those yet. :smile:


Joined: 2002-11-21
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2002-11-21 16:58

Date: 2002-11-13 06:45
Sender: nobody
Logged In: NO

Hi, i applied the changes. Now working, but i have problem
with uploading of swf file. For uploading, i must put swf like
movie, download, and turn to image. This is because if i stay
like image, the uploader don't works (probably try to apply the
rules of resizing etc to swf).

Any solution? Thanks for help and support!

beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Thu, 2002-11-21 19:42

You should upgrade to v1.3.2. It now accepts swfs properly.


Joined: 2002-11-21
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-22 09:13

Ehm... which? b31 is stable?


Joined: 2002-11-21
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-22 09:13

Ehm... which? b31 is stable?


beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-22 13:50

Yeah... it's rock solid. But wait a couple of days, and 1.3.2 will be released officially.


Joined: 2002-11-21
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-22 15:08

ok thanks.