I am not able to rotate the images in my gallery. I click on the "rotate 90deg counter clockwise" and nothing appears to happen in the browser.
Looking at the server, the request appears to get to the web server (see log entry below) and according to "top" the CPU goes to about 90% wait states for about 30 seconds. The server is noticably slower to respond to other things (eg, ssh) for a short time after attempting to rotate an image.
The only error in /srv/gallery3/var/logs/2013-08-24.log.php is a php timezone not set (which I have since fixed).
OS and browser versions show up in the logs below.
Any suggestions?
------------ Log from /var/log/httpd/access.log when I click the button - - [24/Aug/2013:13:39:29 +1000] "GET /index.php/quick/rotate/49/ccw?csrf=77ced72101e0a753bd14d42970ee2f98&from_id=48&page_type=collection HTTP/1.1" 500 - "http://gallery.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/index.php/Night-Photos" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0"
------------ Output from "top"
Tasks: 169 total, 2 running, 167 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 1.0%us, 6.6%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 90.2%wa, 0.0%hi, 2.3%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 1017460k total, 1003072k used, 14388k free, 1120k buffers
Swap: 2097148k total, 699692k used, 1397456k free, 24424k cached
------------ Data from gallery's "Dashboard" page.
Gallery stats
Version: 3.0.9 (Chartres)
Albums: 5
Photos: 40
Platform information
Host name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Operating system: Linux
Apache: Apache
PHP: 5.3.3
MySQL: 5.1.51
Server load: 0.55 0.37 0.73
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 27300
Try a different graphics toolkit.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 3
I just downloaded ImageMagik 6.8.6-8 and compiled it, told gallery to use it, and it hasn't fixed the problem.
I now get the following error in the logfile wen I try to rotate the image...
2013-08-25 18:33:37 +10:00 --- error: ORM_Validation_Exception [ 44 ]: ORM Validation has failed for items model
/srv/gallery3/system/libraries/ORM_Validation_Exception.php [ 20 ]
#0 /srv/gallery3/system/libraries/ORM.php(755): ORM_Validation_Exception_Core::handle_validation('items', Object(Validation))
#1 /srv/gallery3/modules/gallery/models/item.php(887): ORM_Core->validate(NULL)
#2 /srv/gallery3/system/libraries/ORM.php(778): Item_Model_Core->validate()
#3 /srv/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_ORM.php(34): ORM_Core->save()
#4 /srv/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/ORM_MPTT.php(79): ORM->save()
#5 /srv/gallery3/modules/gallery/models/item.php(457): ORM_MPTT_Core->save()
#6 /srv/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/quick.php(43): Item_Model_Core->save()
#7 [internal function]: Quick_Controller->rotate('49', 'ccw')
#8 /srv/gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php(331): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Quick_Controller), Array)
#9 [internal function]: Kohana_Core::instance(NULL)
#10 /srv/gallery3/system/core/Event.php(208): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#11 /srv/gallery3/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run('system.execute')
#12 /srv/gallery3/index.php(116): require('/srv/gallery3/a...')
#13 {main}
2013-08-25 18:33:37 +10:00 --- error: Validation errors: Array
[name] => empty_data_file
Posts: 3
OK, I've figured it out now. ImageMagik went and compiled itself without JPEG support. I have recompiled and it now works.
Thanks for your help.
BTW, if anyone else has this problem, there is a description on how to recompile with JPEG and PNG support here http://serverfault.com/questions/170395/adding-png-jpg-support-to-imagemagick-in-php-on-centos