need help to display tags and title in fancybox


Joined: 2013-07-31
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2013-07-31 17:58

i want to show the tags and the title in zthe fancybox when its open.

can anyone help me where to place a code todisplay tag and the title?

i have moved the lightbox action bevor the picture is opend as photo.php

so when you see the album and the child is photo then it opens directly.

thanx for your help guys


Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Thu, 2013-08-22 09:33

This is hard. I'd dearly like to be able to do something like this in Colorbox, but it ain't going to be easy. You may have more luck asking on the xxx-box forum, if there is such a thing.