Modules will not de-activate


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Sun, 2013-05-26 19:57

I have the latest version of everything. I went to use photo-annotations and it said TagFace is on so I can not do that. So I turned TagFaces off except it did not turn off. I deleted the whole TagFaces folder under modules and still it says "The Photo Annotation module cannot be used together with the TagFaces module. Dectivate the TagFaces module now". How do I force this module off?

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 03:32

Is the checkbox off on the modules page or is it just the warning that is there?
Either way you should be able to edit the DB directory to remove the warning.

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 05:04

Yes, the checkbox is off, and the warning still exists. Which table do I edit, and what values do I set?

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 14:11

Just delete the row in the messages table.

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 16:25

Ok. That worked. However, a new issue has occured. I need to activate photo_annotations. I click the box to turn it on, and I click on update, but it does not do anything.
I can activate and deactivate other modules, but just not photo_annotations.

jnash's picture

Joined: 2004-08-02
Posts: 814
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 16:33

Sounds like you may have some things corrupted in your gallery install... I just tried both of the modules you've encountered errors with and have had no problems myself.

Have you made any modifications to the code or anything like that?
Have you recently changed hosts?
Have you (or your host) recently upgraded anything?

What version of Gallery are you running? Have you recently upgraded?


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 16:42

No code modification.
Usually updates to the OS.
I am self hosting and the hardware is all the same.
I upgraded to 3.0.7 not to long ago.

I selected all my modules and have not need to change the module list in ages. This issue could have been there a long time without me noticing.


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 16:44

Is there a reason my logs table has 15418 entries?


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 16:54

I do have duplicate tables names. One set with the rc1_ prefix and one without and I have no idea which tables are in use. I would like to get that down to 1 set of tables.

jnash's picture

Joined: 2004-08-02
Posts: 814
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 17:00

have you looked at the logs to see what is being logged? This might lead to some pointers on what the issue is.

If you have a look at (gallery)/var/database.php and look at table_prefix, it will tell you what tables you're using. If it's not defined, then the rc1_ is not being used.

Before deleting anything though, I'd recommend a backup.

Your logs should be indicative of any problems, and if they are 15k+ in sized, then there are definitely some issues going on.


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 17:35

11812 of those records are "Added a photo". Even though I have 24,000+ photos.
The only error messages were 5 of these " Couldn't create a thumbnail or resize ".

select distinct message from rc1_logs;
There were 401 distinct responses most of them nothing.
Most of those were not distinct because the message contains the "task id".
The only fails were me typing my password wrong.

jnash's picture

Joined: 2004-08-02
Posts: 814
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 18:05

Oh, the logs in the DB are fine. I thought you meant the logs in gallery/var/logs

Check there for any errors when trying to activate the module...


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 19:26

Can I delete these logs in the DB? I don't have a gallery/var/logs I have gallery and var but no logs. Neither as a file or directory.

Oh wait, now that a create a log folder I have logs appearing.
2013-05-27 19:12:20 +00:00 --- error: Failed to convert placeholder for missing image: DSC02500
2013-05-27 19:15:55 +00:00 --- error: Failed to convert placeholder for missing image: DSC00293
I have several pictures with that name since the count started over with each new camera.
I had a timezone error I just fixed.
Can I delete all the files in the thumbs and resizes folder and have it recreate them?

jnash's picture

Joined: 2004-08-02
Posts: 814
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 19:38

You don't have a logs directory in var?


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2013-05-27 19:51

2013-05-27 14:30:18 -05:00 --- error: File not found: calendarview%2Fmonth%2F2010%2F-1%2F7

I have 3 files names 2172 and they are fine but I get:
(I can open them from windows over a samba share)
2013-05-27 19:20:05 +00:00 --- error: Failed to convert placeholder for missing image: DSC02172

2013-05-27 14:35:33 -05:00 --- error: File not found: exif_gps%2Fmap%2Falbum%2F30797


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Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2013-05-28 22:22

I did not have a logs directory in the past, but I just made one. So I do now.


Joined: 2009-07-27
Posts: 14
Posted: Thu, 2013-05-30 23:23

My logs file has no related entries, now what?

jnash's picture

Joined: 2004-08-02
Posts: 814
Posted: Thu, 2013-05-30 23:40

I'd recommend reinstalling perhaps. (Make backup first of course) It really sounds and looks like you've got quite a corrupted installation.

See the docs on updating and give that a shot...