connection and 500 internet server error


Joined: 2012-08-12
Posts: 28
Posted: Fri, 2013-04-26 16:45

I have my web site and gallery on Dreamhost and I am having a problem connecting to my gallery. I wasn't having a problem connecting to gallery before I asked for help through Dreamhost support, but after the support person tried helping me with the problem I had adding or deleting albums and receiving the 500 message, I find myself no longer able to connect to my gallery at all. The only help I get through Dreamhost support is I should contact this forum for help. My web site is and the gallery is locate at Does anyone have a suggestion on what I should do.

I can now connect to my gallery, but when I try to add an album I get this error message:

Error Detail -
Error (ERROR_COLLISION) : /home/sfgumbo/ already exists

in modules/core/classes/GalleryAlbumItem.class at line 226 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryAlbumItem.class at line 154 (GalleryAlbumItem::_createDir)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class at line 234 (GalleryAlbumItem::create)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 1646 (GalleryItemHelper_advanced::createAlbum)
in modules/core/ at line 80 (GalleryCoreApi::createAlbum)
in main.php at line 250 (ItemAddAlbumController::handleRequest)
in main.php at line 104
in main.php at line 88

System Information
Gallery version 2.3.1
PHP version 5.4.11 cgi-fcgi
Webserver Apache
Database mysqli 5.1.56-log
Toolkits SquareThumb, ImageMagick, Thumbnail, NetPBM
Operating system Linux ps124851 3.1.9-vs2.3.2.5 #1 SMP Thu Jan 26 02:37:05 UTC 2012 x86_64
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0


Joined: 2012-08-12
Posts: 28
Posted: Fri, 2013-04-26 17:01

I had been using php 5.2 fast cgi, but changed it to php 5.4 fastcgi a few days ago at support suggestion due to timing out error I was getting. Today is the first time I have been able try to add photos to my album since then; however, I still getting the error message and have not been able to add an album.

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sat, 2013-04-27 16:33
/home/sfgumbo/ already exists

try a different filesystem path

also php 5.4.x is bleeding edge you should probably upgrade to G2 2.3.2

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3