"featured album" and other modules

kellym's picture

Joined: 2003-04-15
Posts: 29
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-14 05:31

Gallery 3 is great, I finally upgraded from Gallery 1 once and for all. I used G2 for a short time and even then only to migrate between systems... now I really like Gallery 3's simplicity, modern capabilities and plugin modules.

Is there a good plugin to offer a "featured album" on the main page? And what are some other popular modules that people would recommend? I've always like the "random image" feature and was happy it was built-in... I wonder if I could put multiple random images on a page at the same time?


Kelly's smooth running, free flowing Gallery 1 was finally deprecated and replaced by his new and improved Gallery 3 almost 10 years later: www.redbeet.com/pictures

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-14 15:27

The carousel module has a couple of random options.
The image block module (built in) has a option for more than one image.

I don't know of a 'featured album/item' module but I guess it could be done with a module. Would need a good user story on how it would work.
Another option is to use a theme that has a splash page and its slildeshow option like the GreyDragon theme.

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2005-12-17
Posts: 1857
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-16 19:33
kellym wrote:
Is there a good plugin to offer a "featured album" on the main page?

It really depends on what you mean by "featured album." One option is to use the item_links module to create a "dummy" item on the main page that links to whatever album you want to be "featured." http://codex.galleryproject.org/Gallery3:Modules:item_links