Problem with cache


Joined: 2013-01-18
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2013-01-18 12:20

My host e-mailed me today about a problem in my Gallery3 installation. I am running the latest 3.0.4 version of Gallery3.

According to my host, Gallery3 was causing high load on the server and because of this they had to close our account.

The problem seems to be with the database table g3_caches.

This is one of the queries that takes over 10 minutes to complete:
SELECT * FROM `g3_caches` WHERE `key` IN ('6289cdbd440b05c15ea1598b4503cb93')

I checked the table and it was about 5 gt in size. I now cleared the whole table and I am waiting for a response from my host.

But should there be some automatic way (for example cronjob) which would make sure that the cache table does not grow too large or is my installation configured somehow incorrectly?