Autorotate, losslessly, existing images

mikeage's picture

Joined: 2005-01-23
Posts: 138
Posted: Wed, 2013-01-02 09:33

Hi All,

I imported about 13000 images from G2 to G3. In G2, I had my images automatically rotate (losslessly) on upload, but they were imported to G3 without the correct orientation (I had disabled the EXIF module as recommended, which also disabled autorotate).

Currently, I have the EXIF, autorotate, and jpegtran modules installed, however, it doesn't seem like anyone ever glued them together nicely. Autorotate seems like it does not use jpegtran even if present, and in any case, only works at upload / add time.

Is there an easy way I can rotate all of my images based on the EXIF data? If I do it from the command line with jpegtran (the executable, not the module), is there an easy way I can regenerate just those thumbnails and resizes without regenerating tens of thousands of images, most of which haven't changed?
