Need Help Upgrading from 3.0.1 to 3.0.4


Joined: 2010-10-24
Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 2012-12-21 17:10

I followed these steps to upgrade my gallery 3.0.1 to gallery 3.0.4. I got the message "That's it! Your Gallery is up to date" when I ran upgrader (nothing else happened - it was very quick, but my gallery is pretty much a stock installation). However, when I login to the dashboard as admin, I still see version 3.0.1.

The only slightly different aspect to my installation is that my albums and photos are stored on a separate disk from the web site. My gallery/var is a symbolic link to another disk. I have never had any problem with this setup, so I don't think it has an impact on this question, but I mention it in case I am wrong...

Am I using the wrong recipe??




Joined: 2005-12-17
Posts: 1857
Posted: Fri, 2012-12-21 22:18

Joined: 2010-10-24
Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 2012-12-21 23:09

Ok, here is the log file from today. However, it does not say anything useful. The error message "file not found: upgrade" occurred because I initially type "upgrade" instead of upgrader.

Anything else that I can look at?
