resizing pictures in random block to integrate into a theme


Joined: 2002-10-01
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2002-10-01 18:24

I have sucessfully initiated the Random-block php-script :eek: :


my question is now one of there a way I can resize these photos on the fly in the random block to support my theme width (i think it's 114px)

joerg's picture

Joined: 2002-10-12
Posts: 77
Posted: Sat, 2002-10-12 16:42


do you use PostNuke. Then I have an idea based on my modified Random-Block for PostNuke. But the idea schould work also on the native version of the block.

My idea is to modify the img-Tag, which you get back from the getThumbnailTag-Function. There you have to modify the width an height attributes of the tag. This is done by putting the img-Tag you get back in a variable and "search & replace" the width and height values with the values you prefer and then print out the modified img-Tag.

That's a quick hack. But it should work and is easy to do. If you are interested you can send me a private message!


joerg's picture

Joined: 2002-10-12
Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 2002-10-13 14:31


meanwhile I released a version of the random block including resizing. Read the release topic in this board.
