Broken Theme


Joined: 2012-06-20
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 2012-11-09 03:13

I errored when setting a theme - setting the admin theme to 'wind' instead of 'admin_wind'. Now I can't access the admin screens!! I have corrected the theme in the database (vars/name=active_site_theme/value=kgp (my customised 'clean_canvas' theme) and [vars]/name=active_admin_theme/value=admin_wind) but I am still getting the error page when trying to do anything with administration.
The site theme (kgp) is still OK - but is there anything other than a a complete reload that I can do to fix the admin theme?


Joined: 2012-06-20
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 2012-11-09 14:45

Sorted! After much digging (and trying and failing to understand the Kohana messages) I found the answer at So if anyone lands here looking for a fix then you know where to go. For simplicity the fix (which is very simple) is copied here...

The warning "Change these values at your own risk!" was not enough?
If that was all that was changed then you can:
1. On the file system rename the wind theme directory to wind1
2. Rename the admin_wind directory to wind
3. Login and use the advance setting to change it to admin_wind
3a. you will get a error that is OK.
4. Rename the directory wind to admin_wind
5. Rename the directory wind1 to wind
6. You might get a "Admin theme 'admin_wind' is missing! Falling back to the Wind theme." warning. You will have to delete that from the 'messages' table in the DB with your DB admin tool.
You might be able to make those changes in the DB as well.


It worked for me (and I didn't need to update the DB)
Thanks Dave!