[Module] Event Watcher

mikemayer67's picture

Joined: 2012-01-10
Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 2012-11-08 03:56

Event watcher module

This module is meant to be a tool for module developers.
It is not intended to be used in a published gallery.

In particular, it traps all* of the event hooks and adds an info status message (with a timestamp) to help get a better understanding of what events are being triggered by any given action.

There is a tad more information on the codex page (but not much more).

*Here, "all" means all of the events found in all of the modules in the main branch of the gallery3 and gallery3-contrib projects on github at the time this module was created

This is pretty bare-bones with no customization available, feel free to use it, tweak it, enhance it, etc.
If you make a change that you think others might like, consider updating the version in the gallery3-contrib project as well.

event_watcher.zip2.18 KB
floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Thu, 2012-11-08 06:06

Thanks for the docs as well! I will find it use-full in the future, and I'm sure other will as well.


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