Transcoding videos
Joined: 2007-08-18
Posts: 290 |
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Since the original thread I created when I launched this module a couple of years ago has been locked, I'll create another one. I've just launched v12 of this module, available for download here: This version extends a little on the patch applied to v11 which hides the "Alternative Resolutions" dropdown from anything that's not a movie, and where alternative resolutions aren't available. Other changes include cleaned up code, overhauled codec detection routines, use of ffprobe to gather source video file (for getting info on aspect ratio, etc). I've also tweaked the video bitrates to provide a better quality output, so them 240p, 360p, and 480p down converts won't look all blocky and pixelated anymore. Filesize has increased, obviously, as a result of this, however I'd still deem them to be within "acceptable" limits for attempting to stream a 360p video over mobile data networks. Lastly, I've also added a "Default Resolution" option, which allows you to choose which resolution is loaded first when a user visits the video's item page. This changes the way it used to behave by simply loading the first resolution in the list, i.e; the smallest. Conversion routines have been tested with ffmpeg versions between 0.6.5 and 0.11.1. In 0.6 they changed some of the input commands, -formats became -codecs. I've "dropped" support for <0.6 in this extension, since if your host is still using 0.5.x or less (which was just becoming deprecated back in 2010 when I wrote this), then you really ought to get it upgraded. The other reason I'm dropping support for <0.6 is due to another patch I'm currently wrestling with that I found someone else posted, which adds iphone support, and changes the ffmpeg command to suit iphone browsers (i.e; using mp4 as opposed to flv). Some of the options, I'm fairly certain, weren't introduced until 0.6, so it'll just break even more later on. Software has to move on! Let me know if there's any issues. Hopefully going to be a bit more active now, so can keep on top of these patches and bug reports Dan |
Posts: 27300
not sure why, so I created a link to this thread in the last post and the first as well.
Thanks for your continued contribution to the community!
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 290
Thanks Dave
Dan :: Gallery3
Posts: 101
I think it's worth having a backpointer to the old thread as well so people coming from the codex page can find it easily:
Posts: 101
transcode_installer.php reports version 11 in getversion():
private static function getversion() { return 11; }
which prevents it from installing since module_info declares version 12:
version = 12
Changing getversion to report 12 fixes it.
Posts: 101
So I've been banging my head against this, but not being much of a php hacker, I'm not making much progress. Trying to save the Transcoding Settings page all I can get is:
There was a problem with the submitted form. Please check your values and try again.
With no indication that anything is going wrong (nothing in the gallery logs, nor the apache error logs, aparts from ffmpeg output). All I can tell from inserting debugging statements into the php is that the $form->validate() call in admin_transcode.php:index() is failing. It's not obvious to me what validate() is causing to get called. The javascript in admin_transcode.html.php? Any hints on how to debug this?
Posts: 290
Alright, I agree that was a strange one that even confused me for a while! Worked out though what it was, and I've fixed it. Version 13: - fixed the versioning thing too!
----- :: Gallery3
Posts: 101
Great, thanks! I had to make one fix since it doesn't seem like I am getting the ffmpeg_flags set:
Posts: 290
Yea, ffmpeg_flags was kinda rendered useless by this update, as it was put there to allow you to use "-strict experimental" if you were using AAC audio (and ffmpeg required that set). This version sets that automatically, and I don't know of anything else that would need that field hanging around, so I removed it. I guess I forgot to take it out.
I've started a v14 scratchpad, to clean up any further issues. I've removed that, and all other references to ffmpeg_flags, from that version. Though it shouldn't cause any issues saving, it'll just set ffmpeg_flags to false as $_POST['ffmpeg_flags) isn't set. Other references to it will fall back to a default "empty string" if it's false, so won't break it. How do you mean it does like it? When I was disagnosing the issue cchiappa had, no issues surrounding this field came up.
----- :: Gallery3
Posts: 101
I've had some issues I think due to the installation of php I've got perhaps being stricter than normal...when trying to save it was complaining about $ffmpeg_flags being undefined. Similarly, in transcode_event() I had to initialize $i up at the top or I would get an error and since it seemed sensible I incremented it in the loop below:
I also had to fix the ffmpeg_flags which my previous contortions had caused to be set to '0' rather than false, leading to a bad ffmpeg command line. Finally, for additonal hilarity, I somehow had a root-owned var/modules/transcode directory from a previous installation 5 months ago hanging around, preventing the log file from being written.
However, while this gets me to the point that the upload works, I can see the ffmpeg task run in transcode.log, and I can see the transcoded video in var/modules/transcode/flv/<id #>/XRESxYRES.flv, trying to play the video the flash player shows an error:
200, Stream not found, Netstream.Play.StreamNotFound, clip: '[Clip] '''
Any ideas?
Posts: 101
I should also say that when I get the error from the flash player, I see no errors in the gallery or apache logs, just the expected access log:
Posts: 101
I think the problem is that while the flv transcodes are being created, the flash player is still being directed to the file I uploaded which is a random AVI file that's not supported by flash (in retrospect this is kind of obvious but installing the g3jwplayer module gave me a somewhat more readable error message). Perhaps it's related to the fact that the “Alternative Resolutions” box says “No alternative resolutions available.”? If I look in the page's source code I do see this snippet:
Could it be related to the fact that I'm using the Grey Dragon theme?
Posts: 101
Got it. transcode_resolution_variants.html.php has:
...but, my gallery is naming the form element "g-movie-id-<number>", so the onLoad call fails due to not finding the right form to activate. Changing it to g-movie-id makes it work.
With this fix the module works great, except that some videos when uploaded generate a "Server error: Error #2038 (IO)" in the upload dialog box. This is perhaps because the encoding tasks don't complete in time? I can see the tasks still making progress in transcode.log and the videos seem to work fine afterwards.
Thanks for the great module!
Posts: 290
What theme are you using? It's tested and works perfectly on the default theme. Perhaps a custom/other theme has changed that HTML element's ID? In which case I'd expected this to break. If I can find out what themes change it (and what they change the ID's to) I can perhaps accommodate this in the code somewhere.
The 2038 error I've seen come up a few times, but is generally harmless, as you observed, the transcode task is still going on in the background. I think it's down to perhaps a php max_execution_time setting, or (more likely) a connection timeout between your browser and the server - the connection's no longer there, but the process is still ongoing on the server. When the transcode task is going on, there's no data transfer between the server and your browser, so if it's a lengthy task, chances are something's disconnecting, or closing the connection prematurely, causing this error. I know of no way of stopping this, other than perhaps connecting it into a scheduler/cron module I've updated for another module I've written, so that maybe the task completes immediately, and the video is either served up as-is to begin with, or put into a "pending" state until all the transcode tasks have started to complete (much like youtube makes available the resolutions as and when it's encoded them).
----- :: Gallery3
Posts: 101
Yah, I use greygragon. Looking at views/movie.html.php and photo.html.php, they clearly use g-movie-id and g-photo-id whereas wind just uses g-item-id, but there's no comments about the rationale. Is it worth getting Sergei's input (the author of greydragon)? Distinguishing the two doesn't seem unreasonable, but obviously it's not scalable to have every theme doing their own thing here.
Posts: 101
A new ffmpeg that just showed up in Debian changed the output of 'ffmpeg -codecs' slightly, using 7 dashes rather than 6. This naive patch to transcode.php helps me:
Posts: 2
Hey Cchiappa,
I have been going down the same dark hole you have and I am SO CLOSE after using the smarts of other people to try and fix things..
I had previously put your flag statement in that you have from a previous post and I thought that this was why I was getting my flag set to 0 but I changed it back and I'm still getting that.. If I take the command line and I remove that 0 in there it transcodes fine.. It didn't like false either..
I know I'm on windows and trust me I have been feeling the pain, but I am so close I can taste it.
2012-10-25 22:43:23: Transcoding task 36 started.
2012-10-25 22:43:23: --- D:\gallery3\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i "D:\gallery3\var/albums/Loser/20121012_114052.mp4" -s 854x480 0 -vb 3072k -y -acodec mp3 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f flv "D:\gallery3\var/modules/transcode/flv/2436/854x480.flv"
2012-10-25 22:43:23: executing: cd /tmp ; nice D:\gallery3\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i "D:\gallery3\var/albums/Loser/20121012_114052.mp4" -s 854x480 0 -vb 3072k -y -acodec mp3 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f flv "D:\gallery3\var/modules/transcode/flv/2436/854x480.flv" > D:\gallery3\var/modules/transcode/log/1351226603.log 2>&1 &
This is what I am getting in the log and if I remove the 0 from this part 854x480 0 and run that in a command line it does the dirty deed..
Any help that anyone can give me to clean up these flags would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 101
Nonek - I think the easiest thing is just to go directly into Admin -> Settings -> Advanced and delete the value for transcode / ffmpeg_flags. You might need to do this every time you change something in the settings page, it seems to creep back in sometimes. Directly fiddling the settings can be useful for other reasons as well - the settings page only lets me choose the “aac” codec, but the default one that ffmpeg chooses has problems with some audio streams I want to hand it. by editing transcode / audio_codec to “libvo_aacenc” instead, I can select an alternate encoder I wouldn't normally be able to.
Posts: 2
Can this module help fix my issue with mp4 files only playing audio in flowplayer? I want to be able to upload videos recorded from my cell phone device without doing any manual conversions. I am uploading the videos via FTP and adding them using the video version of the server add module. Is there a different flash player that would play this codec of mp4 video format?
Posts: 8339
Flash can only play mp4 that uses .h264 video codec and either AAC or MP3 audio
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 2
Got it. So there are not many options other than manually converting my video files before uploading? I thought that is what the online transcoder is supposed to do.
Posts: 18
Does anyone else has a problem with the validation function. This is what I get when I try to upload avi and mp4. I'm with Galery 3.0.4 and transcode 13:
I've seen in another topic ( that previously file extensions were fixed with adding an event.
Additionally I tried to add another event to cover the mime types but the result was the same error:
Any suggestions
Posts: 18
OK, I found something.
The flash uploader has a validator of itself
Added "avi" here. Seems it dosn't use the legal_file
Posts: 18
I ran into bunch of other problems.
I made a few modifications, just want to bring them to the attention of the module devs, maybe worth it to add them to the new version.
PROBLEM: where Task name is build out of unknown variable $i
ERROR: Undefined variable: i (in gallery log)
static function item_created($item)
add $i=0 outside
and $i++ inside the foearch task loop
PROBLEM: ffprobe doesn't return a result
ERROR: Trying to get property of non-object (in gallery log)
SOLUTION: My version of ffprobe didn't accept the -i argument. When ran manually with the same options as from the script it gave an error.
I removed the "-i" argument
PROBLEM: Occationally ffmpeg will stuck forever on an avi video (I'm with version 0.10 now)
SOLUTION: Add "-timelimit 120"
to ffmpeg arguments helps to me.
PROBLEM: The above will terminate the ffmpeg but unfortunately the task of transcode will continue to run.
ERROR: Infinite printing of "encoded time: 00:00:02.32" in transcode.log
SOLUTION: Additionally set a limit for the transcode task in class transcode_task_Core::transcode :
PROBLEM: And although clips are uploaded and play well, the uploader still gets an error message.
Posts: 37
I have an issue with the FFMPEG transcoding: seems it is not able to understand the transcoding command. The Log file gives me the following issue:
Any idea or hint where I could be looking for correcting this?
Posts: 37
Found and solved it - I found the actual FFMPEG command string in the transcode log and saw that the flag -acodec was not filled (only followed by a space).
I also was not able to have a choice in the admin page on the audio codec (select box was not filled).
I solved this by going to the advanced settings and set the audiocode manually to "aac".
Now works fine - only have one remaining issue:
The thumbnail of the transcoded videos is not shown (always shows pic is broken). All thumbnails of other mp4 native formats I upload that do not use transcode work fine.
Checked whether there is a pic existing in the directory - there is. Downloaded it - seems good. Trying to open it in the browser gives me a Kohana 404 exception, although the file exists (see below). Checked permissions and changed owner - no change, still the same error.
Log File does not help me:
Did anybody else have this issue? Any idea how to fix it / nail down the error?
Kohana Exception thrown:
Posts: 8339
did you try the video thumb module?
Adds an entry to the edit item dropdown to select the thumb offset.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 37
Good point - I had the same idea and did try it. Did not change the issue, issue still pertains.
Seems the proxy script does not find the thumbnails - weird behavior. Any other ideas / suggestions what I could try?
Who has a good knowledge on the proxy module / script within Gallery3?
Again - thumbnails do exist on the server, just can't seem to access them. Tried all file system permission ideas I had - chmod 777, change owners to webserver or webroot, etc. - no change.
Thanks for your support!
Posts: 37
Seems really difficult to set up the transcode module. Whenever I set it up, the admin menu does not allow me to save the settings...
5th time I install fresh again, on two servers with Ubuntu (8 and 10) - everytime the same problem
Can't get it working...
@danneh3826: what is the latest version - 12 from your blog still the latest?
Posts: 37
Now use version 10 and this seems kind of working for me.
Only remaining issue I have is that some Thumbnails of certain movie types are not found by the Kohana proxy although they are created with same permissions as other thumbs - will open a separate thread under Troubleshoot for that since it looks to me more an issue to Kohana than to this module.
Posts: 5
I'm getting the same error using version 13... You figure out what was causing it/how to fix it?
Edit: Doing a little more digging (I'm not seeing anything in the log files), but it looks like the javascript verifyffmpeg is not working to get the audio codecs from ffmpeg.
Edit 2: :D I like fixing my own problems. Line 92 in helpers/transcode.php need an extra "-" in there for the latest version of ffmpeg to pick up when to read in the list of codecs.
Posts: 37
Well - did this help to get the full module functionality?
I used version 10 and compiled a new ffmpeg which seems to now work for me.
Posts: 101
Hrmmm...for videos which were uploaded when the module wasn't active, it would be nice to be able to rebuild the missing resizes. Has anyone poked at this sort of functionality? The module doesn't seem to use the "dirty" type of mechanism you can use to trigger thumbnails to get rebuilt or EXIF data to be reextracted.
Posts: 27300
The experimental version of G3 has a setting/checkbox on the movies/ffmpeg config page to help with rebuilding the thumbs. Movies don't have resizes.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 101
Well, yes, but a key feature of this module is that it generates resized versions of videos.
Posts: 27300
I was just pointing out that the experimental version has an option to rebuild the movies, perhaps this module listens to that flag and rebuilds all the versions as well. I have never used the module and just wanted to point out a new feature that perhaps this module will use or perhaps be extended to use.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 1
I have run into what appears to be a bug with how the transcode module handles .avi files. The upload and the transcode happen just fine (I watch the transcode successfully complete in ./modules/transcode/log/transcode.log. I go to the album that the video was uploaded to and I can see the proper thumbnail with the correct time of the video in the lower right portion of the thumbnail. However, when I click on the video to go to the page where Flow Player is supposed to playback the transcoded .flv I only get a page with no player and a link to download the source .avi file I uploaded.
Here is the strange part:
If I do a straight rename of that exact same .avi file to a .mov extension and upload it again it also transcodes fine and generates a thumbnail but when I click on the thumbnail flow player correctly plays the transcoded .flv as I would expect.
I have also tried taking a file that was originally a .mov and renaming it with a .avi extension and have found the same problem to occur, as described in the first paragraph. It seems there is some strange treatment being given to files with a .avi extension in their filename that has nothing to do with their inner codec. Any ideas on what to do to fix this?
Other than the above, I really like this transcode module, does a fantastic job overall.