Update translation problem


Joined: 2012-08-30
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2012-08-30 13:39


I am new in the forum.
I liked very much Gallery since V1. It was easy to understand, very features.
From 1 to 2 years, I am unable to access the site "gallery.menalto.com", and I tried from many lines and location here in Morocco. I still do not know why this problem.
The site is only accessible if it is configured an international proxy in the browser.
Now i upgraded to version 3.04 as it has a plugin to publish photos from Lightroom to Gallery.
Everything is OK, except the language (I have to use French language). As the server is unable to access the site directly, it is necessary to implement a proxy.
But all the time that I update the language, it fails:
If the server connects the Internet passing through a proxy:



Is possible to configure the proxy in the Gallery itself?
I looked in Google and could not find the resolution.
The system is :
Operating system: Linux 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64
Apache: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
PHP: 5.3.3
MySQL: 5.1.52

I already spend almost one week trying to solve it.
If anyone can help me in this matter, it would be very appreciated!
There is the log with same content that appears in all the failed update
Thank you in advance for your attention.

gallery3_task_log.txt1.29 KB