Can we do that? Image management replacement - get rid of organaizer, menus, etc.

Serge D
Serge D's picture

Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2012-08-05 02:51

Do not want to offend anyone, for work of everyone is greatly appreciated... but...

As a theme developer I got sick and tired of fighting with "admin" functions in View mode... overlays, dialogs, functions not related to content consumption...

I suggest we dump all these "quick" attempts to create patches in content management system and replace it all together with one unified system. Instead let's divide and conquer.

PS: 1. this requires modern state of the JS and jQuery, so may not apply to core G3 themes. Hopefully it may trigger a desire to change mentality of some and move us gradually forward...
2. It is not a simple thing to do but I think it would benefit popularity of the Gallery greatly and remove most of the complains related to comparison of G3 with other gallery engines


* HTML 5 - oh come on, everyone is in 21 century one. many here are arguing that IE is dead... then why not HTML 5 already?
* no Flash - this, on another hand, is dead. it is time to move on
* latest jQuery, no old javascript, code is wrapped as jQuery extensions
* remove any operations related to file manipulations from main gallery screens. As with admin mode today, user who can manipulate content, would be allowed to enter "content management mode"
* create unified "content management" panel. it could be opened in popup overlay or separate page similar to admin.
* it would contain all necessary operations related to album tree manipulations - create/modify/delete albums, rearrange items, item manipulations - upload, resize, rename, move, rotate, etc.
* replace upload with HTML5 based Uploadify -
* add support for folder/server upload and import/export content operations
* permissions
* ability for content management modules to really live here and not pollute main View mode.
* ...

Main goal to get true separation of View, Edit and Admin modes of the gallery.

Thoughts? Does it make sense? or it is just me?

Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter


Joined: 2005-07-22
Posts: 181
Posted: Sun, 2012-08-05 19:14

I think the general idea is great, but I wonder if it'd be best accomplished by splitting up these ideas into separate targets. I see three overall themes in your list:

  • Modernizing the tech. This is things like moving to HTML5, ditching flash, updating jQuery, and replacing the upload form.
  • Separate content management mode. This includes removing content management operations from the normal view, and creating a new mode.
  • Separate permissions for that mode.

To me, the tech update can be done incrementally, although some things like updating jQuery might be a bit disruptive and require a lot of work.

As you note, having a dedicated, separate content management mode is the big win, and I'd not like that to depend on the tech update.

Separate permissions can come last — right now, the existing permissions can be used.

I like the idea of having a separate view for content management, but if it's easier to extend the existing Organize module, that works for me too.

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sun, 2012-08-05 21:24

Also HTML5 uploadify doen not work on safari and IE9 AND its not free.

But I've been using HTML5 for all my projects for almost 2 yrs now.
And a jquery upgrade should be on the books already.

I've even re-written the Minislideshow into a jQuery plugin.
Goodbye Flash my long time friend.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2

Serge D
Serge D's picture

Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2012-08-05 21:26

it is not about the steps but about the wrapping

we can keep Wind theme intact, just remove all CMS stuff out of there. no need to touch html 5, jquery, etc. there
organize module is a good start as far as pluming but UX would need to be ditched, it could evolve into something more elegant

Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter