Random Album Cover


Joined: 2009-01-10
Posts: 76
Posted: Sat, 2012-05-05 14:09

We used to be able to have random images as our album covers in Gallery 2 but not now in Gallery 3.

Is someone working on a module to do this for G3?


floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2012-05-06 01:08

Not that I know but this has been done:

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2009-01-10
Posts: 76
Posted: Sun, 2012-05-06 09:55

Thanks Dave,

I've seen that one. Not sure it does exactly what I want but Thanks.


jnash's picture

Joined: 2004-08-02
Posts: 814
Posted: Mon, 2012-05-07 01:43

As much as this module would be nice to have. From my attempts thus far, it would be quite an undertaking to do it.

I looked at the functions in modules/gallery/models/item.php and there are three that handle the thumbnails.

Two of these three require extensive replacement to function correctly.

This is just the framework, to actually do the randomization would be on top of that.

Couple of problems making it harder than I want:

1) The thumb code is generic for ALL thumbs, whether they are albums/photos/movies, and although there are hooks for these, the thumb dimensions are a pain, cause they rely on the database record for the item, and in the case of an album, the generated dimensions when the current (real) thumbnail is generated. This requires a bit of coding to fix.

2) I'm not sure if this is a kohana bug or what, but when another module is 'replacing' these functions (such as 'stop owner counts' or 'aws_s3') then only the first module 'works' with these replacements (using MY_whatever.php's)
[ Although everything I've read says you can't extend models with MY_ - even though both aws and stopownercounts work - but only when they are activated alone... ie: you can't have both activated...]

#2 may be my stupidity, although I can't figure it out why...

3) I'm not smart enough I suppose to tackle this.

EDIT: This is a lost cause for me, as you can't have two MY_files.php for the same class...


Joined: 2009-01-10
Posts: 76
Posted: Fri, 2012-06-01 19:53

That is a shame as we had this in Gallery 2.

Thanks jnash for trying.


Joined: 2010-02-02
Posts: 64
Posted: Sun, 2012-08-26 19:33

Is there any update about this? :)