Hi Guys,
I have an issue with the comments module. As a user I find the image I want to make a comment on and click the 'be first to make a comment' link. The form displays below and I populate the comment field. I then click submit and receive a standard blank white page with black text which says
{"result":"success","view":"<li id=\"g-comment-6\">\n <p class=\"g-author\">\n <a href=\"#\">\n <img src=\"http:\/\/www.gravatar.com\/avatar\/6730bf4ae4e080e86f570f7b7e5707fa.jpg?s=40&r=pg&d=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jamespaulphotography.co.uk%2Fstockgallery%2Fthemes%2Fwindoriginal%2Fimages%2Favatar.jpg\"\n class=\"g-avatar\"\n alt=\"James Paul Photography\"\n width=\"40\"\n height=\"40\" \/>\n <\/a>\n on 2012-May-05 03:41:10, <a href=\"\/stockgallery\/index.php\/user_profile\/show\/2\">James Paul Photography<\/a> said <\/p>\n <div>\n test <\/div>\n<\/li>\n","form":"<form action=\"\/stockgallery\/index.php\/comments\/create\/1232\" method=\"post\" id=\"g-comment-form\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"csrf\" value=\"be92789be20c09ed98096b354ee64e63\" \/> <fieldset>\n <legend>Add comment<\/legend>\n <ul>\n <li>\n <label for=\"name\" >Name<\/label>\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"g-author\" name=\"name\" class=\"textbox\" value=\"\" \/>\n <\/li>\n <li>\n <label for=\"email\" >Email (hidden)<\/label>\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"g-email\" name=\"email\" class=\"textbox\" value=\"\" \/>\n <\/li>\n <li>\n <label for=\"url\" >Website (hidden)<\/label>\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"g-url\" name=\"url\" class=\"textbox\" value=\"\" \/>\n <\/li>\n <li>\n <label for=\"text\" >Comment<\/label>\n <textarea id=\"g-text\" name=\"text\" rows=\"\" cols=\"\" class=\"textarea\" >test<\/textarea>\n <\/li>\n <li>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add\" class=\"ui-state-default ui-corner-all\" \/>\n <\/li>\n <\/ul>\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"item_id\" value=\"1232\" \/>\n <\/fieldset>\n<\/form>"}
The behaviour I would expect is that the comment would have just listed without a success result display. Anyone know how I can achieve that?