Been at this for a few hours now.. it's aA stylesheet issue i assume...
I've figured out the tag cloud has a different css hidden in the module map... but the ordinary Album info sidebar, where does it read the css from on the <ul> and <li> tags?
I'm trying to make the "Contacts" list appear like a list. i.e.
(Bullet) Email
(Bullet) Website
See the blue sidebar here... scroll way down...
What ever I do I can't make it appear as a list!
The code I'm using is
<li>person (at)</li>
<li><a href="...">Website</a></li>
Perhaps lists are not supported in the wiki style text? Or is it the "a ref" that messes stuff up?
Any hints would be greatly appreciated. 
Posts: 27300
Find or add:
#g-sidebar .g-block li {
list-style: circle outside none !important;
to your css.
I bet you will not like that so you will have to add a new class or div as the g-sidebar already has some other list items that you might not want to have that list style.
perhaps you need to code the list style to that specific list?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 150
You're quite right... I'm overly complicating stuff. Since the email and website lines are so short, i can just add a simple
At the beginning of each line and skip the list all together!
Thanks for your input! You guys are great!