Thumbnails on home page


Joined: 2012-03-31
Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 2012-04-15 21:43

I've set up gallery so that I create a user and assign a password, then load images to their gallery. Only this user can see that gallery and purchase the images.

This gives me a blank home page. I would like to have a grid of thumbnails on the home page, one for each user, which they then enter their password to takes them to their gallery. Just like

Is there a way of doing this?

Carbon theme

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sun, 2012-04-15 23:29

Joined: 2012-03-31
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2012-04-18 15:55

Unfortunately that doesn't do it. i've performed all of these functions but stall can't achieve "I would like to have a grid of thumbnails on the home page, one for each user, which they then enter their password to takes them to their gallery. Just like "

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Wed, 2012-04-18 16:45

User album module can do all that you require.

  • Each user has their own album - you decide where it gets created (thinking the root album in this case)
  • Set the useralbum module to "Jump to user album after login"
  • Set the useralbum module to "Create albums when user is created"
  • After you manually create each user set their useralbum permissions so they can view resizes/purchase, but not add/delete items.

I even have a mod that allows you to create a "template album" that will get copied for each new user.

I also have embedding tools to make it easy to get the right look for your gallery.

A project that I'm currently working on...
when a user chooses an image to purchase we prompt them to choose the cropping of the image in the aspect ratio of the selected item 5x7, 8x10, 16x20...
this way it is cropped the way they wanted and doesn't cut little Jimmy out of the frame.
We even have imageMagick perform the crop and copy the cropped image to our daily print directory.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2