
Joined: 2003-09-10
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2003-10-22 15:18
WTerlinden wrote:
Warren wrote:
Okay... here's what I'm seeing. You have migrated to nuke and now some users can't administer their albums. This might be due to the fact that several abums permissions don't have anything in the permissions and I'm not sure how that was even allowed. Must have been a flaw in this version; never used that build though.

Anyway... add users or default permissions back into the albums. Don't mess with the unknown entries you will see on the standalone side. This could be why they are missing? There should be one of the defaults of EVERYBODY or NOBODY there. Who knows what it's using as blank.

Guided by the Info that you can see your welcome message I logged in as Warren - and there it is.

switching to my own account - nothing.

I found out that the only difference is the language.

Switching to english the gallery behaves well showing all links. So this Problem is solved - I have to look after the languagefiles.

And the other thing seems to be caused by the "blank" Userentries.
After deleting this blank User Permissions the cleaned Album works.

Sometimes you need another point of view to find simple things ;)

Thank you for your help - I have to search the german language files vor the gallery.

Regards, Willy

I still didn't get the point to fix it.

So now i deleted the complete directory /modules/gallery and did a complete new installation of the CVS B184.

Realy nice new features!!!

But at first I wondered why such an actual version still includes the mySQL fetch row Errors fixed in classes for phpNuke65. (errors where known to me, changed files - AdminUser.php, User.php and UserDB.php, works)

Now still I have the Problem that Users with language other than english are not recognized an

a) don't get the welcome text (not a real problem ;)
b) are not allowed to add albums & photos

As soon as you change to english language the menue items to add photos & albums exists.

Switching back to any other language these items disapere and the User seems to be unknown.

I still have to convert albums from update to B184 and I still have to delete various blank User entries in album permissions (124 Albums take a lot of work to do this) but this Problem also exists in Albums which are allready fixed.

I Can't imagine, that I am the only one with this language problems (No, I actually do not talk about my own english *G*).

@ Warren - admin user is still active

Thank you for helping me


Warren's picture

Joined: 2002-07-24
Posts: 794
Posted: Wed, 2003-10-22 15:54

Cool! Now you are at the CVS level not production level remember. You are not the only one with these language problems and the dev team has been weeding them out.

Hope you made backups of your albums directory. Updating your album db can prevent you from going back to previous versions.


Joined: 2003-09-10
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2003-10-22 18:03
Warren wrote:
Cool! Now you are at the CVS level not production level remember. You are not the only one with these language problems and the dev team has been weeding them out.

Hope you made backups of your albums directory. Updating your album db can prevent you from going back to previous versions.

Hi Warren!

I tried this because the stable known versions all had this problem.

Due to the fact that the Server is my own device placed in my office I have dayly over night backups. So I can allways take the step back to a previous Version. With over 10.000 Photos my friends would lynch me otherways *G*.

To come back on topic - i generated a standalone version of gallery at


This standalone version works great in all languages.

Only the phpNuke embedded gallery has this problem to auth User in other languages than english.

It would be nice to read infos here if there is a corrected version.

Thanks for your Info,


Warren's picture

Joined: 2002-07-24
Posts: 794
Posted: Wed, 2003-10-22 18:18

Split from the nukes. We digress...