(1.4-pl2 update) now doesn't auto-resize on adding new pix


Joined: 2003-08-05
Posts: 565
Posted: Tue, 2003-10-21 15:42


I've spent today trying to get back this desirable feature, or operating characteristic, but am beginning to have to admit defeat. It's always coming in *full size*. To get the intermediate size I have to use the resize command - after adding. Situation is slightly awkward as I have had to of edited in my own working re-size value of 300px into a pair of Gallery's files... so it all may be my fault:-(

However this is not how I had it running before and it does not seem to be the way that is promised in the setup blurb...
**When large images are added to an album, an intermediary version will automatically be generated at this size.**
...if this is the way of things to come then just tell me so and I'll get used to it;~/

If this is off-normal then please let me know how I may return the automatic resize feature on adding new photos to its old functionality...

My gallery is always fed with 500px images (absolute max).
Thumbnail size is 150px.
Normal size (ie auto-resized intermediate) is 300px.
Full size is 500px.

best wishes, Robert


Joined: 2003-08-05
Posts: 565
Posted: Fri, 2003-10-24 07:52


Busy with a new shoot, completely forgot about this issue, particularly as it's no longer occurring here!? These new uploads ARE now automatically resizing... -)

In the interim I have been dabbling with G2 (same server but using a different domain/website) but I can't see how that might've affected things, other than confusing my mindset with similar things done differently.

If someone is tracking this issue or else is stuck in the same way I appeared to be, then try switching out of netpbm into imagemagik. Notice that I've accidently done this, so perhaps this is what is different about the current situation. When I have a moment or two I will try switching back into netpbm to confirm.

best wishes, Robert


Joined: 2003-08-05
Posts: 565
Posted: Sat, 2003-10-25 22:40

(update and conclusion)

The netpbm/imagemagick angle is not appropriate. Have now worked out what transpired. Gallery is doing what it should but I was misled by a number of factors, sorry about that. Turned out that I was on the right track worrying about my own patch for a 300px size.

The pl2 update reset my embedded patch (300px auto-resizing). I didn't notice that there was another file similarly hardcoded with all the resize selections. Not realising that that last file had these duplicate, now unsynchronised settings, confused me sufficiently not to have noticed the overall reset and, critically, that the area in which I was working was a sub-album and so inherited auto-resizing settings. Phew, it can be tough being a Gallery novice!

Still, I now have Gallery updated and running nicely. The various bits and pieces, that I wanted amended, are now just so:-)

Perhaps it would be more ergonomic for Gallery to only have a single file with that selection of resizes hardcoded... FWIW I only need/want selections for *off*, 300px and 400px. Files <config_data.inc> and, now, <edit_appearance.php> are appropriately amended.

best wishes, Robert