Restore Gallery 2.3 different version database and version.dat


Joined: 2012-02-09
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2012-02-09 09:09

Hello everybody,

I am using gallery from several years. But I have a big trouble with an upgrade 3 years ago.
And I would like to restore data (8Gb of datas and 10Mb of MySQL Database).

I follow the
I restore the database and I install gallery-2.3.1-full.tar.gz

The main probleme is:
Gallery tables already exist in the database and there is a versions.dat file in the Gallery storage directory. But the version of the installed Gallery database tables does not match the version of the installed data in the Gallery storage directory.

more g2data/versions.dat

SELECT g_parameterValue
FROM g2_PluginParameterMap
WHERE g_pluginId = 'core'
AND g_parameterName = '_version'
LIMIT 0 , 30

Which gallery version I should install to restore datas? Gallery 2.2 or 2.3
And where I can find the minor number version in my install directory? There are no VERSION.txt

Thank you for you help



Joined: 2012-02-09
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2012-02-09 10:51

With the version of the core, I found the version of gallery 2.2.3.
I reinstall with ../install/ wizard with g2data and the restore database. Now I can restore some old datas/pictures lost.

And I will upgrade later on.