Theme coder wanted


Joined: 2012-01-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2012-01-22 22:02

We have a non-working Gallery (gallery flex) embedded in to our site, we like the look and structure, we are looking for the background to be green, similar to the color used on the site, the navigation buttons like the site, and the ability to upload photos easily with captions like the site.

The gallery site will need to be linked backwards and forwards to our site replacing the Gallery Flex.

Please include a quote and time line, we need it done in about 30 days or less

The existing site:
we wish to replace "Toyger Gallery"

You can e-mail me direct at


Joined: 2012-01-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-23 04:55

Didn't ask for your opinion, asked for a quote for the work presented. Period. Be more professional when answering a for a job.