Adding new Translation-Entry


Joined: 2011-12-14
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2011-12-19 08:40


I was trying to add a new translation.

I've added following entries in incoming_translations:

key: b07d4360be593776a0db6874dffceec7
locale: root
message: s:67:"I confirm to have read the <a href="%url">terms of usage</a>.";
translation: NULL

and the german translation:
key: b07d4360be593776a0db6874dffceec7
locale: de_DE
message: s:67:"I confirm to have read the <a href="%url">terms of usage</a>.";
translation: s:86:"Ich bestaetige das ich die <a href="%url">Nutzungsbedingungen</a> gelesen habe.";

unfortunately the system's output is just blank while german is the active language.

I've not changed any code, I only added following at the Register-Module:

$group-&gt;dropdown("accept_terms")-&gt;label(t('I confirm to have read the &lt;a href="%url"&gt;terms of usage&lt;/a&gt;.',
            array("url" =&gt; "")))
            -&gt;options(array("0" =&gt; t("No"), "1" =&gt; t("Yes")));

Thanks in advance

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2011-12-19 14:51

Are you going into the database to edit the entries? If so, why?
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Joined: 2011-12-14
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2011-12-19 15:58

I didn't find out how to create new translation-variables (there is no string like that in the system)... so I added it by hand to the database, yes.
The translation-helper which you may enable in the backend works if you're loggedin, but the register is for guests...

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2011-12-20 13:47

All you should have to do is edit one of the template files like you did. Then go to Admin > Settings > Languages and then click on Update Languages

I'm not sure if that's documented, but when you do that Gallery scans through the files under it and looks for new strings.

My suggestion, undo what you've done in the database, then try clicking Update Languages.
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