Broken Images in two albums


Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 2011-12-16 20:36

Well, this one's a mystery.

All of my albums are fine except for two, both are sub-galleries of the same Gallery.

They were both created in April of this year, and have had about 900 views since then.

I was going through my photos today, and noticed that the highlights are fine, all the thumbnails are fine, but the images themselves are empty frames. I ran through all the admin options of optimizing, deleting caches, etc. I compared permissions and ownership of the albums in the directory above root with the other albums, and don't see any difference.

I also downloaded a few and opened the images locally to see if they had all been corrupt.

Can you point me to some more troubleshooting areas to check? I am baffled, and have run out of ideas to check.

In debug mode it says:
Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated
But it says that everywhere.

Gallery 2.3 core 1.3.0
PHP - 5.3.8 cgi-fcgi
Apache/2.2.21 (Unix)
mysqli 5.0.92
matrix theme

Toolkits = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Fri, 2011-12-16 22:13

Gallery 2.3.1 was released to deal with php 5.3.x, you may want to upgrade.

Speaking of the upgrader - you can run it at any time to see if gallery complains about anything.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2


Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Wed, 2011-12-21 11:41

Thanks for the info. Just had a chance to upgrade.

I didn't see anywhere on this site that particular upgrade exists, nor that it fixed the deprecated issues stemming from a php 5.3 upgrade, so double thanks!

In case someone finds this with the problem I described, I had renamed the directory containing the two problem albums from the admin panel, then manually changed the names on the server. Apparently Gallery2 didn't like that.

After I upgraded, I renamed the folders on the server to match what the Admin panel had, and that fixed the issue.

Happy Holidays

Gallery 2.3.1
PHP - 5.3.8 cgi-fcgi
Apache/2.2.21 (Unix)
mysqli 5.0.92
matrix theme

Toolkits = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick