[openid] Auth


Joined: 2006-11-18
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2011-12-10 16:51

Is anyone still maintaining the OpenID module?

I managed to get it to work by updating the php-openid code from the embedded 2.1.1 to latest 2.2.2 (before I updated it there was just a blank page for the modules SiteAdmin configuration and when trying to login with it). I also had to manually import the GalleryTranslator.class in GalleryTranslator.class but I think that may be a general problem with some SSL-enabled setups according to other posts I found.

I used StartSSL as authentication provider which worked fine as I said, but my goal is to authenticate Google Apps users which doesn't seem to be so straight-forward as an additional lookup is required. Google provided an extension to php-openid here http://code.google.com/p/php-openid-apps-discovery/ but this also requires code changes in the application (in this case the openid module) and I can't really tell what it is.

Google says:

Once you've enabled OpenID with the PHP OpenID library, only a few minor changes to your code are
required to work with Google Apps. Where constructing your Auth_OpenID_Consumer, make the following

1) Import the extension:
require_once 'Auth/OpenID/google_discovery.php'

2) Instantiate the helper class after creating your consumer. For example:

$consumer = new Auth_OpenID_Consumer($store);
new GApps_OpenID_Discovery($consumer);



For Google Apps, the identifier used for the initial discovery is the domain name itself. For example, prompting users to enter their email address to log in (e.g.

), only the domain portion (mycompany.com) should be supplied in $consumer->begin(). IDP
endpoints for other OpenID providers can also be supplied. If the supplied value is not recognized as a Google Apps domain the default discovery mechanisms are used instead.

The code in TryLogin.inc (which I think is what needs to be changed) looks like:

$consumer =& OpenIdHelper::getConsumer();

/* Begin the OpenID authentication process */
$request = $consumer->begin($form['openId']);

Does anyone have a suggestion how this should look like then?


[EDIT: Moved to Module Development subforum as this seems more suitable]


Joined: 2011-12-28
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2011-12-28 21:06

sorry hijacking this thread but, still about authentication, is there any module for Gallery 3 that allows facebook/googleplus/twitter authentication and then shows albums only to those in the gallery' owner friends list?

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Wed, 2011-12-28 22:01