[Solved] Permissions problem - images not showing


Joined: 2011-11-30
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2011-11-30 10:53

I have just installed Gallery 3 (version 3.0.2) with the intention of switching from Gallery 2. After upgrading G2 to the latest version I performed an import to G3. This all seemed to go well. Looking at my root gallery as guest it looks great. But when I log in as a user with permission to see non-public galleries (e.g. admin) a problem becomes apparent - please see the jpeg.

At his point I have not changed the permissions. This is my second attempt from a clean install. The first time I tried every likely combination of permissions to no effect. The root gallery permissions are:

Everybody - allow view, allow view full size

Everything else is set to deny

If I turn on view/full permissions for registered users in the root it makes no difference to the non-public galleries. Likewise is I allow specific groups to which the logged-in user belongs.

By the way - those galleries not displaying to e.g. admin can still be entered, but still you don't get to see any actual pictures.


I needed to allow SymbolicLinks in the .htaccess

It's working fine now.

gallery3.jpg77.14 KB