Maintaining links to albums when upgrading from G2 to G3


Joined: 2011-11-28
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2011-11-28 10:31


For a few years now we'er running Gallery 2. In our news articles we regularly link to various gallery albums, so people can see picture from an event.

We want to upgrade to gallery 3 and would like to maintain all the links so we don't have to change all these news articles.

the current link used is .../main.php?g2_itemId=50064

The "2g_" can be tackled by

"Add the mod_rewrite rules from g3's g2_import module page to your .htaccess file to ensure that the g2 urls continue to work"

But will the itemId stay the same?
Can someone enlighten me on this?

kind regards
