How to close the gallery from unregistered users and useGallery Remote Clients?


Joined: 2010-10-04
Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 2011-11-26 13:37

How to close the gallery from unregistered users and useGallery Remote Clients?

If i`m use

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Some Name"
AuthUserFile <file>
require valid-user

in .htaccess,
I can not use the policy of assigning permissions
"Oh no! Your server requires a configuration change to hide the pictures! Ask your server administrator so that he incorporated mod_rewrite and set AllowOverride Fileinfo Options, to fix it"


but I can connect remotely.

If I`m off AuthType Basic and use this [img][/img]

i`m get [img][/img]

in program the remote connection.
It reads:
"Error: Server connection established, but Gallery not found on this URL"

I would not want to enter twice username / password when using .htaccess.