Restore from DB / data directory (new install of gallery dir) fails with infinate redirects?


Joined: 2005-12-29
Posts: 21
Posted: Sat, 2011-09-17 00:42

************* Solved it...see comment below ***************
I have a Gallery 2.3.1 install (on Dreamhost) which was compromised. I have backed everything up, and then removed the gallery directory and re-installed a clean install of gallery 2.3.1. I pointed it at the same data directory, pointed it at the same database, but when the install script finished. I get errors from my browser (firefox) that say:
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

I don't care about much of my configuration, I just want the image metadata to persist. Suggestions for what might be wrong? (and or particular database tables to blow away and let gallery try and re-create?)

It is possible that a theme or plugin that used to be installed is not part of the default gallery install.......

The install log didn't point out any obvious errors, and I know the DB password is working as it detected the existing tables and I selected to "reuse" them instead of erase them...)

suggestions on what to do to manually fix this issue?


Joined: 2005-12-29
Posts: 21
Posted: Sat, 2011-09-17 01:47

I was able to fix my problems. I had the originall install in a gallery2 directory, and re-installed into a gallery directory. This did not work. I re-installed into a gallery2 directory and was able to at least get an error message about a missing theme. To get THAT to work I had to edit the database directly (changing the g_theme entry in the g2_AlbumItem table to a theme that existed (classic), plus editing the default.theme in the g2_PluginPackageMap table to be classic, and THEN clearing the DB cache in the data directory (which I accomplished by RE-installing the files and letting the installer do it for me...)