Incompatibility between DownloadAlbum Module and REST API ?


Joined: 2011-02-02
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2011-08-29 19:24

I use the REST API to get a list of the last album :

$auth = Gallery3::login($SITE_URL, $USER, $PASSWORD);
$root = Gallery3::factory("$SITE_URL/item/$intRootAlbum", $auth);

$i = 0;
foreach ($root->data->members as $urlAlbum) {
    $a = Gallery3::factory($urlAlbum, $auth);
    echo '<option value="'. $a->url .'">'. $a->data->entity->title ."</option>\r\n";
    if ($i == $intMaxAlbumDisplayed) {

I've just installed the DownloadAlbum Module and it seems to break my code : my album list is now empty. If I deactivate the module, it works again...

I don't know wether it's the login part or the album request that breaks.

Any idea where the problem can come from ?