Is it possible to a picture to a multi-aperture frame for sale?


Joined: 2011-02-07
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2011-08-24 09:43

I have implemented a site in Gallery3 and the client has now decided the ability to sell images in a multi frame is important. I'm pretty sure there's no easy way of doing this in 3 but i'm hoping gallery2 (with Zencart) may come close to the functionality i need.

After discussions i think the only way this could work would be to either have an option in the sale for add to multi frame with a counter held somewhere to limit the number added to 3 (if that is the size of the frame) and if it goes beyond that to create a new multi frame and add them to the new frame OR the user buys a frame which can then have photos added to limited to 3.

I hope this makes sense

thanks in advance



Joined: 2005-11-04
Posts: 1642
Posted: Wed, 2011-08-24 18:40
dp6ai wrote:
I hope this makes sense

I struggled to understand but that is not relevant I suppose. WHy not just install what you think might work and see how far you get?



Joined: 2011-02-07
Posts: 16
Posted: Thu, 2011-08-25 10:02


As i have almost finished the site in G3 i was hoping someone might know the answer to this without me having to go through a full install and configuration. Obviously that is an option i was just trying to save myself some time.

If no one out there knows the answer then obviously i will install and test.




Joined: 2005-11-04
Posts: 1642
Posted: Fri, 2011-08-26 14:17

Understand desire to save time but couldn't understand your query. Anyway installing and testing isn't onerous & will help u frame queries better.


Joined: 2011-02-07
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2011-09-07 08:24

Ok, as i cant see anyway of getting this to work even after installing and playing with gallery2, i'll try rephrasing the question in the hope that someone might be able to help...

I want the ability for customers to be able to add a pictures to a "multi-aperture" picture frame. For example a 3 aperture frame, all with the same sized pictures (
This would obviously mean there would have to be a counter within the plugin which would only process an order when the frame was complete with 3 pictures and would start a new frame when the number of photos had been exceeded.

Does anyone know if this has been done before or if it is even possible. It seems like it would be a popular requirement but maybe it would be difficult to put together?

I really hope someone can help with this.
