GreyDragon Theme 3.1 beta is CLOSED
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466 |
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[Edit] This beta cycle is closed. Please refer to main thread for GD Theme for further communications. |
Posts: 96
Great job! One problem with the root page slide show. Perhaps something simple on my end that I can not figure out? Problem: The slide show won't work?
I like not having to have the log in on the root page.
Thank you Serge D.
G & S Wallcovering
Posts: 32
Up and running on my gallery. No problems yet, well done! | Gallery 3.0+ | Grey Dragon Theme 3.1β (carbon custom)
Posts: 22
Looks nice, but is there any code that You can show so that the BASKET module is working properly.
Problem now: When adding a picture to the basket, the shopping bag is not showing.
Great Work this Theme
Posts: 92
All seems to be bug free except that Shadow Box does not run when photo clicked,
Posts: 2466
it does not work because in script modules/carousel/js/jcarousellite.js which is regestered before themes/greydragon/js/jquery.cycle.js there is an error in js "SCRIPT5007: Object expected"
this prevents execution of the script responsible for root page animation
Posts: 2466
if you are refering to big white cart in the corner, then I am hiding it - was like that from the begining
you can remove the rule from CSS file to make it visible again or use sidebar
Posts: 2466
you would need updated version of ShadowBox - - as registration procedure is now moved out of the theme
Posts: 92
Thank you that fixed the initialisation of Shadow Box.
However Shadow Box now only displays images contained within the page not the complete album. The slide function is absent.
I reverted back to GD 3.08 and the compete album is displayed and the slide function works.
Posts: 92
Resolved the slide show issue, the default slide delay setting in Shadowbox is 0, no slide show. Changed this setting to 10 and slide show displays.
When the Disable Photo Page (Slideshow Mode) is selected in Theme options Shadowbox only displays the images in that page. When this setting is not selected Shadowbox displays all the images in the album.
Posts: 2466
Will check on this
Slide function? Slideshow?
It is beta after all so things could happen
Posts: 2466
will check on that. I have noticed that last week, just did not have to check on it
Posts: 26
All looks good here except 2 things 1) the large icons only show in slate if i try to copy the code to gerydragon this doesnt work any more. 2) the slide show on the root page no longer shows any pictures any ideas?
Posts: 2466
not all color packs are ready yet
this is next round
slideshow should work but it is now pure JS, any JS errors would potentially break it - link?
Posts: 2466
I think you are mixing two things here
yes, when photo page is enabled, there is logic to show all photos within album from Photo page initiated slideshow
this logic is not part of the code for album page
it can be and will be done, just was not coded yet
Posts: 26
is there anything i can do to look for the problem? i am ok with css but no nothing about js
Posts: 2466
New build has been published to address missing toolbar icons in some of color packs
Posts: 2466
link to demostrate the problem live would be helpful (you can PM it to me)
Posts: 26
Hi Serge thanks for helping look at hope this is of some help
Posts: 2466
yes, there is a JS error
this is part of sizzle.js code
I have not seen this before
I guess, you would have to check which module may cause this by enabling/disabling custom modules one-by-one
and another thing, I do not see parsed RSS feed generating images
which RSS do you use for the root page?
Posts: 26
i use random it used to work ok. if you take a look now at i have now diabled all modules except image block, image block ex, rss and rss extra but its still the same.
Posts: 2466
you need to have rss/rss_extra as they provide rss feed used in the root page
can you post url as you specified in root page config section
Posts: 26
yes i have rss and rss extra enabled this is the url i have in the box its the same one as i had working in 3.08
Posts: 2466
I was able to pull your rss feed within my root page, so there is something more fundamental...
Do you see anything in error log?
Posts: 26
sorry to sound stupid but where is the error log? as for CURL i dont know i am hosting it on my Qnap TS-210 at home this is the information from dashbourd
Host name: WitsEnd
Operating system: Linux
Apache: Apache
PHP: 5.2.14
MySQL: 5.1.36-log
Server load: 0.1 0.18 0.14
Graphics toolkit: gd
when i was running 3.08 the random photo in side bar never worked and displayed xml error but the root page worked fine now as soon as i installed 3.1 the side bar random picture works but root page doesnt. I have set the theam to defaults but this did not help either.
Posts: 2466
Posts: 26
i ran test curl and it is installed i enclose the result copied in to notepad or run the file your self if you wish from my website./testcurl.php
Posts: 2466
Then further investigation is required
If you could check log file in vars\logs folder may be there is something there
Posts: 26
here are some log files if you have time could you see if you can find anything i have only enclosed the large logs but can send you them all if you want them.
Posts: 2466
Thank you
you can delete attachment above
nothing of interest there
can you try switching to one of the default gallery RSS feeds?
Posts: 26
I have tried /gallery3/index.php/rss/feed/gallery/latest and /index.php/rss/feed/gallery/latest but still nothing it is set to the first one of the 2 above now if you want to look.
Posts: 27300
I have not seen this before either.
I searched for sizzle.js though the gallery-contrib repository and don't see it.
I would suspect it is some module from the forums?
tfm426, see if you can find that file.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 26
Hi Dave
when i did a search for Sizzle it showed me shadowbox and jquery so i looked inside both files and find a reffrance to sizzle "Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v0.9.3" Line 14 in jquery and in shaddowbox it is line 10 "Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0" i hope this helps at the moment i have shadow box turned off and it has made no differance?
Posts: 2466
I think sizzle is just confused here somehow
problem is not there but that for TFM's setup rss feed is not read properly or could not be reached
since it is "home" box, there could be many reasons for it...
I am looking to add more debug info as I would hate to come back to Flash just for this
Posts: 26
ok i will keep trying new things let me know if you come up with any other ideas you want me to try out.
Thanks for your help
Posts: 2466
New drop is now published:
Posts: 26
How can I change the text to lower case in Grey Dragon?????
Currently I am leading the way for anybody searching in Google with their Caps lock on but nobody else can find me!!!!
Its the gallery and album text which is upper case:
Photo text is lower case. I assume its in the CSS but am totally unfamiliar with CSS so if somebody could tell me in beginners language what and where to modify I would be very grateful.
Other than that hickup, gallery3 and grey dragon are working very well.
Jonathan Webb
Posts: 2466
In custom.css add
if this how search engine sees you, then it is wrong, as it should be case agnostic
and if you look at the source uppercase conversion is on css level, not on source level, so engine's crawler should see original text, not rendered image...
PS: you are still on 3.0.8 version of the theme, this thread is for 3.1. beta
Posts: 7
OK. Got it! On 3.1 now.
I guess I need to select "Disable Photo Page (Slideshow Mode)"? Also how can I remove the space between the images similar to your site and can I do this on an album by album basis?
Posts: 2466
yes, you need to disable photo page
yes, you can have the same look, simply choose "Wall" framepack in admin section
no, you cannot do this on album by album basis
Posts: 2466
Last call - are you happy with current drop?
Posts: 26
any luck with the root page slide show? everything else seams ok
Posts: 2466
if you can give me quick access to your admin area, I will try to see what is going on
PM me the login info
Posts: 38
Hello, I love your theme and am going to use it for my new G3 page, but I have a few questions:
1) When I select Film/Full Frame 3:2 aspect ratio of my thumbs AND selecting the new WALL Photo Frame, the thumbnails do have space between them on the sides, because the Titel Display is wider than the thumb itself. (
Is there a way to fix this?
I do not want to use the Widescreen thumbs, because this will crop too much of my images.
2) Can you point me in the right direction for making room for a bigger/wider Header Image?
I would like it to span across my entire site from left to right.
(something like this
Posts: 38
PS: your site is offline at the moment.
Posts: 2466
use maintenance section of the theme to mark thumbs for rebuild then use admin's maintenance section to run the process
use css to replace #header background, change/adjust height
Posts: 38
That's what I did (it's still running) before I asked the question, but it will not clear the gaps, the Title Overlay is still a little bigger than the thumb.
Posts: 2466
gaps are because of thumb are smaller than thumb view port
you need to finish resize process
Posts: 38
As I expected, gaps are still present after resize is complete.
It has something to do with the aspect ratio of the thumbs being different than the aspect ratio of the thumb view port.
Pictures with my old camera are 4:3
Pictures of my new camera are 3:2
I guess i can't really mix those and expect everything to look the same.
Posts: 2466
Why not use 3:2 aspect for the thumbs?
Yes, old images would be cropped (use mode to center thumb image) above/below, but... You would get continuos wall
Posts: 32
My vote: Yes