g2 has anyone made a module for no-right click in g2


Joined: 2009-10-29
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2011-06-22 05:49

I know that no=right-click is available in g3 HAS ANYONE CREATED A MODULE FOR G2 Can't change to g3 as I like the checkout module too much.

I know it a hot (& repeated) question! But as a professional photograqpher (& by your many requests) surely you must see it is needed. As programers you may think its not fool proof but it is a layer of necessary inconvenience to limit our "shoplifting" of multi-layered watermarked images which when copied(right=clicked) are "adequate to the customer/shoplifter. Walmart put a security tag in EVERYTHING in there store not to Stop
shoplifing but to cause inconvenience to the shoplifter to deter the majority. I understand your points but We need a second level of security otherthan watermarking.

Please help in some way even if it is against your moral principals. The non-programing public is stealing my images simply because they CAN right click. Please, Please help!

I keep asking because its important ... please don't disregard this. Hell charge $20 for the module. look at how many requests you've received x$20 that should offset any inconvenience in programing the module! The people neededing would gladly pay as we would in the end profit as well.

Regardless its obviously in demand otherwise you wouln't have (reluctantly) made a module for g3.



Joined: 2005-11-04
Posts: 1642
Posted: Wed, 2011-06-22 10:05

There isn't such a module and I doubt there will ever be one.

Some themes have this built in and you may have a look. PGTheme and PGTheme based examples such as Carbon will be a good place to start.

If not available on your desired theme and it is really that important to you, you will have to hire someone to do it if you cannot or will not do it yourself.
Since $20 will not buy more than a few minutes of many people's time, you may need to review your budget based on the value of such a module to you.

All the best

PS. Nobody reluctantly made anything for G3. If such a module does indeed exist, it is because someone using G3, feeling such a feature was important to them, either rolled up their sleeves and developed one or hired someone to do so for them.



Joined: 2009-10-29
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2011-06-23 04:35

thanks for the update & unfortunate news of no likely possiblity of a module. I had to vent as I've been asking for more than a year. When I saw it in G3 I was so hopeful!!

My $20 contribution was asummed that there'd be 500+ users interested in shared cost contribution. \i'm well aware how little $20 would buy in tech time!

In the past I've had words with one programer/moderator regarding g2 noclick & was shocked at his refusal to even try ( a year ago) He insinuated that It was futile &I was a idiot to even think it would help. If you look at the no-right-click module in g3 he even states that he is doing this reluctantly because soooo many people have repeatedly requested it. the underlying comments in his module are quite clear as to HIS oppinion. He really shouldn't be a moderator. (I'm assuming this is the same person I once spoke with only by his textitude.}

I realize & appeciate Its a no go issue for g2 which is sad because g2 is stable reliable & flexible I thank you for your contribution &
honest opinion without being arrogant. Wish my first experience in mentioning this topic was so friendly & constructive.

I'll be staying with G2 for quite a while! Not interested in G3 (even with His no-right-click module). Hope to speak with you in the future!!

Thanks again for accomodating the recurring question.