Large Images when logged in, small when anonomous


Joined: 2011-05-28
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2011-05-30 15:31

Im sorry if this is a super noob questions, but Ive looked everywhere to try and solve this.

When I am logged in as an authenticated user, when i click a thumbnail, I get a very large image (adjusted to the browser size) - which is great.

However when logged out, and i access the same photo as an anon, then I just get an image that is only 500px or so.

Where do i fix/adjust this setting?

Im using Gallery2 with the 'hybrid' theme - though changing the theme doesnt seem to have any effect on this issue.

Im also embedding the gallery into a Drupal 6 site and it is having the same issue there.

You can see either gallery at:

any help is totally appreciated!