FYI I went ahead and tried one more time with 2.7.1 because I realized that I hadn't tried other browsers.. Its the same on FF/Chrome/IE.. I also tried changing all theme options one by one and mixed again with no luck.. The image links are clickable and will load the album pages slowly, but the photos are set to the right and don't have the effects, and the photo pages themselves don't open..
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 2011-12-22 18:49
tp wrote:
FYI I went ahead and tried one more time with 2.7.1 because I realized that I hadn't tried other browsers.. Its the same on FF/Chrome/IE.. I also tried changing all theme options one by one and mixed again with no luck.. The image links are clickable and will load the album pages slowly, but the photos are set to the right and don't have the effects, and the photo pages themselves don't open..
That's really strange, looks like there's some problem with the resize function. Do you get anything in the js error console?
Joined: 2003-03-26
Posts: 104
Posted: Sat, 2011-12-24 00:51
I don't know what I am doing, but in FF, I went into the error console, and the only thing I saw that referenced anything in the theme was one of the '$ is not defined'... I compared to the pear.js in the working version (2.7) and those sections look the same..
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-02 07:54
tp wrote:
I don't know what I am doing, but in FF, I went into the error console, and the only thing I saw that referenced anything in the theme was one of the '$ is not defined'... I compared to the pear.js in the working version (2.7) and those sections look the same..
First - I love this theme. It's clean and attractive, easy to use. Congratulations!
I'm using the most recent version. I noticed that I get some odd results if I try to upload photos. In Chrome, the text is difficult to read (colours are overwritten with each other). It also looks funny in Firefox (although not as bad). See screenshot from Chrome (running on Linux)
Just thought you might want to know.
(BTW: This function worked fine in your original Pear Theme.)
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-03 08:11
tosk137 wrote:
First - I love this theme. It's clean and attractive, easy to use. Congratulations!
I'm using the most recent version. I noticed that I get some odd results if I try to upload photos. In Chrome, the text is difficult to read (colours are overwritten with each other). It also looks funny in Firefox (although not as bad). See screenshot from Chrome (running on Linux)
Just thought you might want to know.
(BTW: This function worked fine in your original Pear Theme.)
Ok, that is something I've forgot to test, it looks like a problem with the stylesheet. I'll have a look and see if I can make it go away. In the meantime use another theme when uploading pictures.
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-03 23:39
tosk137 wrote:
I'm using the most recent version. I noticed that I get some odd results if I try to upload photos. In Chrome, the text is difficult to read (colours are overwritten with each other). It also looks funny in Firefox (although not as bad). See screenshot from Chrome (running on Linux)
I were unable to reproduce your image, I did however find some other bugs and have committed an other fix (regarding dialogs) in github.
There are still problems regarding various dialogs (for some reasons they are loaded multiple times) but I think the most urgent ones are gone..
Joined: 2003-03-26
Posts: 104
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 04:24
Nice work on the updates/fixes! My previous issues were resolved with the latest files... thanks
In testing, I noticed that the slideshow mode only plays a few pictures in loop. Your demo does this as well...
Also, I don't know how to describe it technically, but on my site and your demo, when moving around and clicking on thumbnail links, the thumbnails get dragged when just hovering a little bit and scrolling... They also linger while and after the picture page is loaded.. And thumbnails popup over the borders (on top and bottom)... Not sure if they're supposed to do this, but it doesn't look right to me..
Forgive me if these are things you are aware of..
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 14:39
tp wrote:
Nice work on the updates/fixes! My previous issues were resolved with the latest files... thanks
In testing, I noticed that the slideshow mode only plays a few pictures in loop. Your demo does this as well...
Also, I don't know how to describe it technically, but on my site and your demo, when moving around and clicking on thumbnail links, the thumbnails get dragged when just hovering a little bit and scrolling... They also linger while and after the picture page is loaded.. And thumbnails popup over the borders (on top and bottom)... Not sure if they're supposed to do this, but it doesn't look right to me..
I'm glad most of the issues were resolved. I didn't know about the issue with Slideshow that must be some recently change that is causing this. When it comes to the hovering thumbnails it is something I kinda hoped no one would notice (its kind of magic and I don't know exactly how to fix it) but now I'll spend some time on this as well.
It would be great if we could create a goal for release 3.0 (a way of saying that the theme is done).
First of all, really big congratulations about your work. I'm an user of old Gallery from Apple and now, with this theme, I can have one just for me
I'm finding some problems with the modal windows to edit and/or create albums and to edit photos. I click to edit these elements, make the changes and when I save, the modal window don't close.
Some clue about it?
Thank you so much!
Paulino Michelazzo
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 21:23
pmichelazzo wrote:
First of all, really big congratulations about your work. I'm an user of old Gallery from Apple and now, with this theme, I can have one just for me
I'm finding some problems with the modal windows to edit and/or create albums and to edit photos. I click to edit these elements, make the changes and when I save, the modal window don't close.
In testing, I noticed that the slideshow mode only plays a few pictures in loop. Your demo does this as well...
Also, I don't know how to describe it technically, but on my site and your demo, when moving around and clicking on thumbnail links, the thumbnails get dragged when just hovering a little bit and scrolling... They also linger while and after the picture page is loaded.. And thumbnails popup over the borders (on top and bottom)... Not sure if they're supposed to do this, but it doesn't look right to me..
Patches for Slideshow and thumbnail-hovering are committed to github. Please let me know if there are any new issues introduced.
Joined: 2009-01-17
Posts: 21
Posted: Sun, 2012-01-08 17:31
I do not know if this is only me or a general problem: When I try to download from github I only get an "502 Bad Gateway" back from
Is this only me or?
Support for three modes of sidebar, please let me know what you think. If you have suggestions for graphics to the sidebar-separator please let me know..
Joined: 2005-09-14
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-09 17:15
I like the theme a lot, including sidebar-toggle and breadcrumbs.
What I miss is a option to configure the numbers of pictures per page in grid-mode. Its set to 50 and I would like to have it 200 or something but couldnt find a option where to set it. Did I overlook something here?
What I would like most is a grid-page with all pictures. If one visits the page, first .. lets say 50 thumbs are loaded and if the user scrolls down more thumbs are loaded automagically. Dont have any idea if this is easy or complicated. I've seen it on some other gallery and I liked it.
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Posts: 205
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-09 18:57
gruad wrote:
If one visits the page, first .. lets say 50 thumbs are loaded and if the user scrolls down more thumbs are loaded automagically. Dont have any idea if this is easy or complicated. I've seen it on some other gallery and I liked it.
I don't know is that is even possible give the current state of gallery3.. Is it a gallery3 theme that have shown this? If so what theme?
I'll add it as a feature in version 3.x of this theme and perhaps I can come up with something. Adding the pagination limit as a theme option should be fairly easy so I'll try to add it in the next comming days.
Edit: the page size is configured under advanced settings and the option 'gallery page_size 50'
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-10 15:28
Version 3.0 is now available for download at github.
Joined: 2009-01-17
Posts: 21
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-10 19:09
I think this is a great theme, but I have some issues (probably one small and one bigger one).
The first one is that when I select "Mosaic" for "Main page View" the albums still show up in "Grid" mode, and if I now select "Mosaic" there are no "main" picture - just a text "Main View" is shown (if I have "Grid" selected for "Main page View" everything works as expected when I change to "Mosaic" view).
My second (bigger to fix, but less important) is the "auto-play" of videos in Carousel- and Slideshow-view mode (I think I have seen this in an other theme - I'll look and come back on this one).
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Wed, 2012-01-11 09:09
danjoh wrote:
I think this is a great theme, but I have some issues (probably one small and one bigger one).
The first one is that when I select "Mosaic" for "Main page View" the albums still show up in "Grid" mode, and if I now select "Mosaic" there are no "main" picture - just a text "Main View" is shown (if I have "Grid" selected for "Main page View" everything works as expected when I change to "Mosaic" view).
My second (bigger to fix, but less important) is the "auto-play" of videos in Carousel- and Slideshow-view mode (I think I have seen this in an other theme - I'll look and come back on this one).
Hi Dan,
I think you are running an old version of the theme verify that you have the latest version and go to theme options and reset the theme settings. The issues you are describing were fixed awhile a go.
I've added the movie suggestion as an feature request in github, but don't get your hops up, this is very low prioritized.
Joined: 2009-01-17
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2012-01-11 17:04
I'm running v3.0 from github and has tried resetting the theme settings but it does not help.
I understand that the movie part is low priority, no problem.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-13 05:55
Hi Erlis,
Just tried the theme and it's looking good...good job !
Finally I like the breadcrumb as it is,
there just one little clitch on all my browsers (mac) it's when you activate the toggleable sidebar :
-for a new user, it is not very easy to guess that this thin grey line can do anything
-if you move your mouse at the very end of the window, it has a tendency to open and close without disrupting.
I would suggest to make the bar thicker
and maybe add a open/close icon of some sort (see attached)
and maybe deactivate the mouse-over but more on-click behaviour.
As for the admin, I don't know if it's possible but it would be great if :
in the Advanced Options-General, we could chose a different layout and background color for the home page / album page / grid view-mosaic-slideshow page.
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-13 06:57
petri wrote:
Hi Erlis,
Just tried the theme and it's looking good...good job !
Finally I like the breadcrumb as it is,
there just one little clitch on all my browsers (mac) it's when you activate the toggleable sidebar :
-for a new user, it is not very easy to guess that this thin grey line can do anything
-if you move your mouse at the very end of the window, it has a tendency to open and close without disrupting.
I would suggest to make the bar thicker
and maybe add a open/close icon of some sort (see attached)
and maybe deactivate the mouse-over but more on-click behaviour.
As for the admin, I don't know if it's possible but it would be great if :
in the Advanced Options-General, we could chose a different layout and background color for the home page / album page / grid view-mosaic-slideshow page.
For sidebar I totally agree with you, the mouse hover toggle is not the best solution. Your suggestion of a click event is good. For the layout i need help with the images (the background gray is not elegant enough for me and a slick suggestion for the icons).
Could you elaborate a bit more on exactly what you would like to change, it is more or less possible to modify the bg-color, the only problem would be the gradient albums where I'm just using a transparent image on top of the album-thumb.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-13 07:47
the color of the sidebar could be of the same color as the footer.... I guess,
I attached a few icons... I also like the idea of the +-..., I am not a designer unfortunately
For the admin
I dont mean to be able to chose whatever we want, just the options already possible in your theme (the four background colors) and the three displays (mozaic, grid, carousel)..
For me the idea was to be able to have a home page as a carousel, from there, when you click on an album you get on an album listing in grid view, and when you click on an album containing photos, the grid page would be in mozaic...
So in your Advanced Options-General, I would get three different sub-menus with the same options, on for the Home page, one for the listing and one for the grid view
I know that G3 can make a difference between layout of album-gridview and photo, it's just the home page that is more difficult to differentiate.
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 2012-01-19 14:23
petri wrote:
the color of the sidebar could be of the same color as the footer.... I guess,
I attached a few icons... I also like the idea of the +-..., I am not a designer unfortunately
For the admin
I dont mean to be able to chose whatever we want, just the options already possible in your theme (the four background colors) and the three displays (mozaic, grid, carousel)..
For me the idea was to be able to have a home page as a carousel, from there, when you click on an album you get on an album listing in grid view, and when you click on an album containing photos, the grid page would be in mozaic...
So in your Advanced Options-General, I would get three different sub-menus with the same options, on for the Home page, one for the listing and one for the grid view
I know that G3 can make a difference between layout of album-gridview and photo, it's just the home page that is more difficult to differentiate.
Ok, I'll see how I can theme the sidebar view. Thanks for the images.
I think you are referring to something that oliveman discussed earlier (ability to set view-mode per album). You are more than welcome you answer the questions I stated in his issue report (as I see it the easiest way to identify the mode is to add [m](mosaic)/[g](grid)/[c](carousel) in the beginning of each album title and let the theme render the mode according to this.
Do note that in the (current) carousel-mode only ordinary images are displayed. I see the carousel view as a fancy slideshow mode.
Identify which page we are at should be possible. The main gallery have id=1, albums that only contains subalbums (no images or movies) already defaults to the grid mode and of course we can quite easy detect if we don't have any sub-albums.
1. Main album have id=1.
2. Album only containing sub-albums (no images).
3. Album not containing any sub-albums.
This is more or less identified today and I can add an option for each of this modes. Could you help me with a clear description to show our users on the configuration page?
Adding the ability to set default skintype (bg-color) in the settings should be quite straightforward and I'll try to add it as soon as possible.
Another thing, on my devel page I've added support for rounded thumbs and reflections (works best in chrome/safari), please test this and let me know if it's something that should be kept (and of course supported on more browsers).
Joined: 2012-01-13
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-13 13:06
Great theme, thank you.
I experience a privacy/security related issue, so is it any chance you can, please, help? At the top of each page there is a count for the number of items included in the album (it's shown in brackets next to the album's name). The problem I have is that the counter also counts the hidden items and the items which are not accessible for that specific user. Any chance it can only count the items that specific user has access to? If this is too difficult to achieve, perhaps to have the option to disable the counter?
Thank you so much.
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-13 13:17
thedy wrote:
Great theme, thank you.
I experience a privacy/security related issue, so is it any chance you can, please, help? At the top of each page there is a count for the number of items included in the album (it's shown in brackets next to the album's name). The problem I have is that the counter also counts the hidden items and the items which are not accessible for that specific user. Any chance it can only count the items that specific user has access to? If this is too difficult to achieve, perhaps to have the option to disable the counter?
Thank you so much.
Hi, finally a issue that I have a quick response to.. This issue is not related to this theme, I'm using the following function: count($theme->item()->children()) wich is a built in function from G3.
Please contact the G3 developers regarding this issue.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Sat, 2012-01-14 06:22
Do note that in the (current) carousel-mode only ordinary images are displayed. I see the carousel view as a fancy slideshow mode.
true, I did not realize it, well too bad for me
I can help you with the conf in the admin, I'll draw you a template but I am a little busy these days, will try to do it next week if ok for you
As for the test, I guess we are both on mac , so I might not be the best tester for you, but I'll do it anyway and tell you later.
Joined: 2003-03-26
Posts: 104
Posted: Sat, 2012-01-14 23:07
Fwiw, just thought I'd post my test album and thoughts so you could see what I am experimenting with and maybe it will give you ideas... (Preface: I haven't discovered the skills to do it any other way, so I just post my albums in iframes in wordpress...)
There are a lot of things I like about this theme and g3, so I keep checking it out and wish I had the skills to contribute... The things right now that I would tweak for my purposes if I could (based on the latest from github) are:
- At least in Firefox and Chrome, while I don't notice it in Safari or IE, when navigating from picture to picture, the pictures often stretch to the next picture in awkward looking ways when transitioning to the next pictures..
- The horizontally framed pictures align at the top. I would like them to align in the middle...
- I'd like to be able to specify a thumbnail setting for my albums to default to (for instance so I could get 3 or 4 thumbnails to a row)
- I'd like to be able to change/remove options from the bar at the bottom so that everything I want there would fit...
-I'd like when viewing a picture to also be able to click on the picture and have it take me back to the thumbnails..
-At times when going from picture view back to the thumbnails, the album frame on the right side will slide over leaving a white area on the right and a page reload is required to fix... (similar to jquery issues from before)
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-16 08:10
tp wrote:
1. At least in Firefox and Chrome, while I don't notice it in Safari or IE, when navigating from picture to picture, the pictures often stretch to the next picture in awkward looking ways when transitioning to the next pictures..
2. The horizontally framed pictures align at the top. I would like them to align in the middle...
3. I'd like to be able to specify a thumbnail setting for my albums to default to (for instance so I could get 3 or 4 thumbnails to a row)
4. I'd like to be able to change/remove options from the bar at the bottom so that everything I want there would fit...
5. I'd like when viewing a picture to also be able to click on the picture and have it take me back to the thumbnails..
6. At times when going from picture view back to the thumbnails, the album frame on the right side will slide over leaving a white area on the right and a page reload is required to fix... (similar to jquery issues from before)
Some of your problems are due to the fact that your page is to narrow..
1. move the function call to mosaicResize(); to the very end of the swatchImg function in js/pear.js (I'll do this as soon as possible but have some other fixes on the work in that file).
2. Again, this is because your page is to narrow, but I will try to submit a fix for this.
3. That is not possible given the current design (where I try to fill the entire page according to the scale of the thumbs). But if you would like to have a static size of your thumbs it could be possible based on how large you make the thumbs.
4. You can try to remove options in view/page.html.php at line 157 but I can't guarantee it will look good.
5. That is a really good suggestion I'll try to add it as soon as possible.
6. I'm not able to reproduce your error, please let me know what to do to reproduce it.
Joined: 2012-01-13
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2012-01-18 00:39
Thank you for the reply. As a quick fix, how can I deactivate the count, please? Any chance you may ad an option in the admin page to disable the counting?
Cheers. Thedy
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 2012-01-19 15:11
tp wrote:
-I'd like when viewing a picture to also be able to click on the picture and have it take me back to the thumbnails..
- when navigating from picture to picture, the pictures often stretch to the next picture in awkward looking ways when transitioning to the next pictures..
To me the way the pictures load in grid mode when browsing pictures looks odd... When I arrow to the next pic it appears to reload the current pic before going to the next..
-At times when going from picture view back to the thumbnails, the album frame on the right side will slide over leaving a white area on the right and a page reload is required to fix... (similar to jquery issues from before)
6. I'm not able to reproduce your error, please let me know what to do to reproduce it.
It's not automatic. For me if I view my album or yours in Firefox, and in grid mode bounce in and out of viewing pictures and arrow back and forth through pictures enough, after a bit there will start to be space to the right of the scroll bar, and if I keep going the space will gradually widen to the left..
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-20 07:13
tp wrote:
To me the way the pictures load in grid mode when browsing pictures looks odd... When I arrow to the next pic it appears to reload the current pic before going to the next..
-At times when going from picture view back to the thumbnails, the album frame on the right side will slide over leaving a white area on the right and a page reload is required to fix... (similar to jquery issues from before)
6. I'm not able to reproduce your error, please let me know what to do to reproduce it.
It's not automatic. For me if I view my album or yours in Firefox, and in grid mode bounce in and out of viewing pictures and arrow back and forth through pictures enough, after a bit there will start to be space to the right of the scroll bar, and if I keep going the space will gradually widen to the left..
Regarding the first issue I think it's because the new image haven't finish loaded before we show it. I've submitted a patch for that in github.
When it comes to the next one it sounds like a rounding problem but I still can't really reproduce it so it must be a very rare case.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-20 08:57
I am back with the admin proposal...hope it's clear....and possible !
As for the latest update, I just installed it and got some strange display, you can see in the attachement. The album listing displays all the thumbnails in the upper left corner and don't show any picture until you get over them with the mouse. The thumbnail listing seems to works well but the carousel in the sidebar does not roll anymore..
As I am switching from one theme to the other, I did an all image resize but it did not help.
I am back with the admin proposal...hope it's clear....and possible !
As for the latest update, I just installed it and got some strange display, you can see in the attachement. The album listing displays all the thumbnails in the upper left corner and don't show any picture until you get over them with the mouse. The thumbnail listing seems to works well but the carousel in the sidebar does not roll anymore..
Yep I did understand it, but one thing i noticed is that the breadcrumbs can't be shown in the root view (there is no higher level to go to). Also, how should we treat albums containing sub-albums AND pictures? G3 is extremely loose when it comes how you can arrange your albums and photos.
I've submitted a patch to the problem you did describe to github.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-20 12:03
one thing i noticed is that the breadcrumbs can't be shown in the root view (there is no higher level to go to).
good point
Also, how should we treat albums containing sub-albums AND pictures? G3 is extremely loose when it comes how you can arrange your albums and photos.
Yes, I thought of that one too....although I never do it, it is still possible in G3...what about considering that a page including albums and photos should display like a page listing only albums ?
Erlis, this is a great theme, especially since I'm cutting over 1000's of photos from macgallery/ to gallery3, and the users were griping about migration issues and the loss of the hover preview that other frameworks didn't have. Together with serveradd, this is almost perfect!
I did notice some interaction issues with tag clouds and searching though; when you click on a tag, or when you open the options page and search, the results page doesn't seem to display properly (see attached); the bottom panel moves up to the middle of the screen instead (you can see where the bottom right hand side of the browser is, where i have the s3fox and firesizer settings shown). I tested using firefox 9.0.1 and also chromium 15.0.874, on linux mint 12.
I tried your latest build from your github page,, but that didn't solve the problem, and had other issues (when you click on the thumbnail, the picture doesn't display, despite refreshing the browser), so I went back to the official release from your first post. Let me know if you need more testing done.
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 2012-01-26 09:06
xarope wrote:
Erlis, this is a great theme, especially since I'm cutting over 1000's of photos from macgallery/ to gallery3, and the users were griping about migration issues and the loss of the hover preview that other frameworks didn't have. Together with serveradd, this is almost perfect!
I did notice some interaction issues with tag clouds and searching though; when you click on a tag, or when you open the options page and search, the results page doesn't seem to display properly (see attached); the bottom panel moves up to the middle of the screen instead (you can see where the bottom right hand side of the browser is, where i have the s3fox and firesizer settings shown). I tested using firefox 9.0.1 and also chromium 15.0.874, on linux mint 12.
I tried your latest build from your github page,, but that didn't solve the problem, and had other issues (when you click on the thumbnail, the picture doesn't display, despite refreshing the browser), so I went back to the official release from your first post. Let me know if you need more testing done.
Glad you like it.
There were a issue with dynamic pages that have been updated in the latest commit at github
Joined: 2012-01-26
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-27 01:27
I tried your latest commit (, and the results page for tags now works well, as does the image browsing. But the search results page still does the same render as per my screenshot before. Let me know if you need any more information from me. Thanks!
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Sun, 2012-01-29 06:36
Hi Erlis,
I have tried the latest version from the Github, here are my comments :
- the display bug is gone...well there is a new one : I cannot see any pictures, thumbnails are ok but no works only in carousel !?!.... any other mode (grid, mozaic, slideshow) does not show me any image.
You can see from yourself :
- I also have a little problem with the options menu, I don't know if it as like that from the beginning but I just realized it, when you click on options, the menu appears in a drop down mode, then the option label changes from "Show options" to "Hide options" (and it works) but every time you change page, the menu goes back to closed mode. I don't know if that is what you wanted but I would like it better if it stays open until the user clicks "Hide Options", and that is wherever he clicks in the menu. That would also mean that the menu should not cover the top of the page but "Push it down" when it opens...If it possible of course...
- when using the "Pages" modules, the bottom of the page does not stick to the bottom of the window but at the bottom of the table (my guess), I also realized that the html is not properly displayed...
you can check it here :
The same thing happens when you click on a tag in the sidebar
- the display bug is gone...well there is a new one : I cannot see any pictures, thumbnails are ok but no works only in carousel !?!.... any other mode (grid, mozaic, slideshow) does not show me any image.
You can see from yourself :
- I also have a little problem with the options menu, I don't know if it as like that from the beginning but I just realized it, when you click on options, the menu appears in a drop down mode, then the option label changes from "Show options" to "Hide options" (and it works) but every time you change page, the menu goes back to closed mode. I don't know if that is what you wanted but I would like it better if it stays open until the user clicks "Hide Options", and that is wherever he clicks in the menu. That would also mean that the menu should not cover the top of the page but "Push it down" when it opens...If it possible of course...
- when using the "Pages" modules, the bottom of the page does not stick to the bottom of the window but at the bottom of the table (my guess), I also realized that the html is not properly displayed...
you can check it here :
The same thing happens when you click on a tag in the sidebar
I'm not really sure you are using the latest version from github.
Your second issue is not really an issue as I see it. The thing is that it's very hard to keep state of things that are changed via javascript (If we are not storing it as a cookie or perhaps a setting server side). I intend to keep it in the current state for now..
Two issues in one, when it comes to theming page modules we must find a good way to address this, I can't really write a theme page for each module. In I've added support for dynamic pages (such as tags). But apparently the search module uses another data set wich makes that page harder to port to pear. What I can see from the page you are linking to this issue should solve the problem with the footer.
I have the version you sent me from this link :
I checked the pear.js and the code is already corrected but anyway the images are showing up this morning, I don't know why it wasn't yesterday but hey...let's be positive
I realized that the same bug is happening when I select "disable effect" in the image transition effects and I try to view the album in mozaic mode.
Two issues in one, when it comes to theming page modules we must find a good way to address this, I can't really write a theme page for each module.
I understand, thought that you might already have a solution will try to find my way into the modules' CSS to get the footer down.
So, I've uploaded a new version of pear to github. This version consists of major changes in the javascript code hence there might be some minor bugs that I have not managed to find.
I have the version you sent me from this link :
I checked the pear.js and the code is already corrected but anyway the images are showing up this morning, I don't know why it wasn't yesterday but hey...let's be positive
I realized that the same bug is happening when I select "disable effect" in the image transition effects and I try to view the album in mozaic mode.
Test the latest version I've added new fixes to support "disable effect" mode. Among with others.
petri wrote:
Two issues in one, when it comes to theming page modules we must find a good way to address this, I can't really write a theme page for each module.
I understand, thought that you might already have a solution will try to find my way into the modules' CSS to get the footer down.
Yes, some pages are now supported in the latest version.
If you like testing the "bleeding edge" I really suggest you to clone the code directly using git..
every time you would like to check for updates just issue the same commands (except for the clone command). This will sync your theme to my latest version.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-31 03:57
Test the latest version I've added new fixes to support "disable effect" mode. Among with others.
The disable bug works now, I can see the pictures... although there is some kind of display bug the first time you arrive on a mozaic mode album, the thumbnails are not displayed at the maximum right side so when you click on a landscape format image, the thumbnails are overlapping the right side of the image. This happened to me only the first time I came to the album, now I cannot reproduce the bug anymore.
The carousel mode is not displaying any photo now.
Yes, some pages are now supported in the latest version.
Yes ! Perfect ! I tested Pages and ContactOwner and it works fine, thanks !
although I had to add
#g-contact-owner-send-form {
in pear.css, to get a proper alignment of the text in the contact form, still trying to get that form look a little better though.
The search page works as well, although there is a display bug on the thumbnails on mouseover
If you like testing the "bleeding edge" I really suggest you to clone the code directly using git..
I am afraid I am quite a newbie in terms of coding...sorry, do you mean using the terminal to sync to the latest version ?
I am on a mac and if I understand well, I cannot use git to sync right ?
I'm not a Mac user, but I often have to troubleshoot Mac problems for a friend, so...
OSX has a command line terminal (Finder / Go / Utilities / Terminal, no idea if this has changed in Lion) and there is a git CLI,
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-31 05:08
it works fine on Snow Leopard, thank you
will try with Lion tonight at home but not sure which packages to install for Lion...
Petri: i thougt you were using RedHat (2.6.18-194.32.1.el5) based on your signature.. For Mac there are a nice client for github
I'll have a look at the carousel..
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-31 09:11
Here is a screen capture of the display bug I had this morning, it happened again on Chrome 16.0.912.77 for mac.
And now I know how to reproduce it :
On grid mode, I am browsing from a source album deeper until I get to an album with photos in it, then the system changes the mode into mozaic (as set in my theme prefs) and the bug happens. If I change mode to grid and back to mozaic, it displays correctly.
EDIT : this is happening only when "disable effect" is set in the mozaic settings.
Posts: 104
FYI I went ahead and tried one more time with 2.7.1 because I realized that I hadn't tried other browsers.. Its the same on FF/Chrome/IE.. I also tried changing all theme options one by one and mixed again with no luck.. The image links are clickable and will load the album pages slowly, but the photos are set to the right and don't have the effects, and the photo pages themselves don't open..
Posts: 205
That's really strange, looks like there's some problem with the resize function. Do you get anything in the js error console?
Posts: 104
I don't know what I am doing, but in FF, I went into the error console, and the only thing I saw that referenced anything in the theme was one of the '$ is not defined'... I compared to the pear.js in the working version (2.7) and those sections look the same..
Posts: 205
Ah, a problem with jquery..
Committed fixes to github (even as a tag at:
Posts: 3
First - I love this theme. It's clean and attractive, easy to use. Congratulations!
I'm using the most recent version. I noticed that I get some odd results if I try to upload photos. In Chrome, the text is difficult to read (colours are overwritten with each other). It also looks funny in Firefox (although not as bad). See screenshot from Chrome (running on Linux)
Just thought you might want to know.
(BTW: This function worked fine in your original Pear Theme.)
Posts: 205
Ok, that is something I've forgot to test, it looks like a problem with the stylesheet. I'll have a look and see if I can make it go away. In the meantime use another theme when uploading pictures.
Posts: 205
I were unable to reproduce your image, I did however find some other bugs and have committed an other fix (regarding dialogs) in github.
There are still problems regarding various dialogs (for some reasons they are loaded multiple times) but I think the most urgent ones are gone..
Posts: 104
Nice work on the updates/fixes! My previous issues were resolved with the latest files... thanks
In testing, I noticed that the slideshow mode only plays a few pictures in loop. Your demo does this as well...
Also, I don't know how to describe it technically, but on my site and your demo, when moving around and clicking on thumbnail links, the thumbnails get dragged when just hovering a little bit and scrolling... They also linger while and after the picture page is loaded.. And thumbnails popup over the borders (on top and bottom)... Not sure if they're supposed to do this, but it doesn't look right to me..
Forgive me if these are things you are aware of..
Posts: 205
I'm glad most of the issues were resolved. I didn't know about the issue with Slideshow that must be some recently change that is causing this. When it comes to the hovering thumbnails it is something I kinda hoped no one would notice (its kind of magic and I don't know exactly how to fix it) but now I'll spend some time on this as well.
It would be great if we could create a goal for release 3.0 (a way of saying that the theme is done).
Edit: milestone creates at github please let me know if some thing is missing (pm is fine).
Posts: 10
First of all, really big congratulations about your work. I'm an user of old Gallery from Apple and now, with this theme, I can have one just for me
I'm finding some problems with the modal windows to edit and/or create albums and to edit photos. I click to edit these elements, make the changes and when I save, the modal window don't close.
Some clue about it?
Thank you so much!
Paulino Michelazzo
Posts: 205
Try using the latest version from github, i think that issue is solved there.
Posts: 205
Patches for Slideshow and thumbnail-hovering are committed to github. Please let me know if there are any new issues introduced.
Posts: 21
I do not know if this is only me or a general problem: When I try to download from github I only get an "502 Bad Gateway" back from
Is this only me or?
Posts: 205
New version, 2.7.3.
Support for three modes of sidebar, please let me know what you think. If you have suggestions for graphics to the sidebar-separator please let me know..
Posts: 7
I like the theme a lot, including sidebar-toggle and breadcrumbs.
What I miss is a option to configure the numbers of pictures per page in grid-mode. Its set to 50 and I would like to have it 200 or something but couldnt find a option where to set it. Did I overlook something here?
What I would like most is a grid-page with all pictures. If one visits the page, first .. lets say 50 thumbs are loaded and if the user scrolls down more thumbs are loaded automagically. Dont have any idea if this is easy or complicated. I've seen it on some other gallery and I liked it.
Posts: 205
I don't know is that is even possible give the current state of gallery3.. Is it a gallery3 theme that have shown this? If so what theme?
I'll add it as a feature in version 3.x of this theme and perhaps I can come up with something. Adding the pagination limit as a theme option should be fairly easy so I'll try to add it in the next comming days.
Edit: the page size is configured under advanced settings and the option 'gallery page_size 50'
Posts: 205
Version 3.0 is now available for download at github.
Posts: 21
I think this is a great theme, but I have some issues (probably one small and one bigger one).
The first one is that when I select "Mosaic" for "Main page View" the albums still show up in "Grid" mode, and if I now select "Mosaic" there are no "main" picture - just a text "Main View" is shown (if I have "Grid" selected for "Main page View" everything works as expected when I change to "Mosaic" view).
My second (bigger to fix, but less important) is the "auto-play" of videos in Carousel- and Slideshow-view mode (I think I have seen this in an other theme - I'll look and come back on this one).
Posts: 205
Hi Dan,
I think you are running an old version of the theme verify that you have the latest version and go to theme options and reset the theme settings. The issues you are describing were fixed awhile a go.
I've added the movie suggestion as an feature request in github, but don't get your hops up, this is very low prioritized.
Posts: 21
I'm running v3.0 from github and has tried resetting the theme settings but it does not help.
I understand that the movie part is low priority, no problem.
Posts: 253
Hi Erlis,
Just tried the theme and it's looking good...good job !
Finally I like the breadcrumb as it is,
there just one little clitch on all my browsers (mac) it's when you activate the toggleable sidebar :
-for a new user, it is not very easy to guess that this thin grey line can do anything
-if you move your mouse at the very end of the window, it has a tendency to open and close without disrupting.
I would suggest to make the bar thicker
and maybe add a open/close icon of some sort (see attached)
and maybe deactivate the mouse-over but more on-click behaviour.
As for the admin, I don't know if it's possible but it would be great if :
in the Advanced Options-General, we could chose a different layout and background color for the home page / album page / grid view-mosaic-slideshow page.
Posts: 205
For sidebar I totally agree with you, the mouse hover toggle is not the best solution. Your suggestion of a click event is good. For the layout i need help with the images (the background gray is not elegant enough for me and a slick suggestion for the icons).
Could you elaborate a bit more on exactly what you would like to change, it is more or less possible to modify the bg-color, the only problem would be the gradient albums where I'm just using a transparent image on top of the album-thumb.
Posts: 253
the color of the sidebar could be of the same color as the footer.... I guess,
I attached a few icons... I also like the idea of the +-..., I am not a designer unfortunately
For the admin
I dont mean to be able to chose whatever we want, just the options already possible in your theme (the four background colors) and the three displays (mozaic, grid, carousel)..
For me the idea was to be able to have a home page as a carousel, from there, when you click on an album you get on an album listing in grid view, and when you click on an album containing photos, the grid page would be in mozaic...
So in your Advanced Options-General, I would get three different sub-menus with the same options, on for the Home page, one for the listing and one for the grid view
I know that G3 can make a difference between layout of album-gridview and photo, it's just the home page that is more difficult to differentiate.
Posts: 205
Ok, I'll see how I can theme the sidebar view. Thanks for the images.
I think you are referring to something that oliveman discussed earlier (ability to set view-mode per album). You are more than welcome you answer the questions I stated in his issue report (as I see it the easiest way to identify the mode is to add [m](mosaic)/[g](grid)/[c](carousel) in the beginning of each album title and let the theme render the mode according to this.
Do note that in the (current) carousel-mode only ordinary images are displayed. I see the carousel view as a fancy slideshow mode.
Identify which page we are at should be possible. The main gallery have id=1, albums that only contains subalbums (no images or movies) already defaults to the grid mode and of course we can quite easy detect if we don't have any sub-albums.
This is more or less identified today and I can add an option for each of this modes. Could you help me with a clear description to show our users on the configuration page?
Adding the ability to set default skintype (bg-color) in the settings should be quite straightforward and I'll try to add it as soon as possible.
Another thing, on my devel page I've added support for rounded thumbs and reflections (works best in chrome/safari), please test this and let me know if it's something that should be kept (and of course supported on more browsers).
Posts: 3
Great theme, thank you.
I experience a privacy/security related issue, so is it any chance you can, please, help? At the top of each page there is a count for the number of items included in the album (it's shown in brackets next to the album's name). The problem I have is that the counter also counts the hidden items and the items which are not accessible for that specific user. Any chance it can only count the items that specific user has access to? If this is too difficult to achieve, perhaps to have the option to disable the counter?
Thank you so much.
Posts: 205
Hi, finally a issue that I have a quick response to.. This issue is not related to this theme, I'm using the following function: count($theme->item()->children()) wich is a built in function from G3.
Please contact the G3 developers regarding this issue.
Posts: 253
true, I did not realize it, well too bad for me
I can help you with the conf in the admin, I'll draw you a template but I am a little busy these days, will try to do it next week if ok for you
As for the test, I guess we are both on mac
, so I might not be the best tester for you, but I'll do it anyway and tell you later.
Posts: 104
Fwiw, just thought I'd post my test album and thoughts so you could see what I am experimenting with and maybe it will give you ideas... (Preface: I haven't discovered the skills to do it any other way, so I just post my albums in iframes in wordpress...)
There are a lot of things I like about this theme and g3, so I keep checking it out and wish I had the skills to contribute... The things right now that I would tweak for my purposes if I could (based on the latest from github) are:
- At least in Firefox and Chrome, while I don't notice it in Safari or IE, when navigating from picture to picture, the pictures often stretch to the next picture in awkward looking ways when transitioning to the next pictures..
- The horizontally framed pictures align at the top. I would like them to align in the middle...
- I'd like to be able to specify a thumbnail setting for my albums to default to (for instance so I could get 3 or 4 thumbnails to a row)
- I'd like to be able to change/remove options from the bar at the bottom so that everything I want there would fit...
-I'd like when viewing a picture to also be able to click on the picture and have it take me back to the thumbnails..
-At times when going from picture view back to the thumbnails, the album frame on the right side will slide over leaving a white area on the right and a page reload is required to fix... (similar to jquery issues from before)
Posts: 205
Some of your problems are due to the fact that your page is to narrow..
1. move the function call to mosaicResize(); to the very end of the swatchImg function in js/pear.js (I'll do this as soon as possible but have some other fixes on the work in that file).
2. Again, this is because your page is to narrow, but I will try to submit a fix for this.
3. That is not possible given the current design (where I try to fill the entire page according to the scale of the thumbs). But if you would like to have a static size of your thumbs it could be possible based on how large you make the thumbs.
4. You can try to remove options in view/page.html.php at line 157 but I can't guarantee it will look good.
5. That is a really good suggestion I'll try to add it as soon as possible.
6. I'm not able to reproduce your error, please let me know what to do to reproduce it.
Posts: 3
Thank you for the reply. As a quick fix, how can I deactivate the count, please? Any chance you may ad an option in the admin page to disable the counting?
Cheers. Thedy
Posts: 205
Fixed at: 4c341a7.
Fixed at: a9e22b2
Fixed at: 1b68ae0
Do note that I've introduced some major changes in gitHub (thumbnails are now loaded dynamically) and we have elastic page view. Please test the new features at: before upgrading
Posts: 104
nice work on the updates!
To me the way the pictures load in grid mode when browsing pictures looks odd... When I arrow to the next pic it appears to reload the current pic before going to the next..
It's not automatic. For me if I view my album or yours in Firefox, and in grid mode bounce in and out of viewing pictures and arrow back and forth through pictures enough, after a bit there will start to be space to the right of the scroll bar, and if I keep going the space will gradually widen to the left..
Posts: 205
Regarding the first issue I think it's because the new image haven't finish loaded before we show it. I've submitted a patch for that in github.
When it comes to the next one it sounds like a rounding problem but I still can't really reproduce it so it must be a very rare case.
Posts: 253
I am back with the admin proposal...hope it's clear....and possible !
As for the latest update, I just installed it and got some strange display, you can see in the attachement. The album listing displays all the thumbnails in the upper left corner and don't show any picture until you get over them with the mouse. The thumbnail listing seems to works well but the carousel in the sidebar does not roll anymore..
As I am switching from one theme to the other, I did an all image resize but it did not help.
anybody else has the same bug ?
Gallery 3 URL =
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 205
Yep I did understand it, but one thing i noticed is that the breadcrumbs can't be shown in the root view (there is no higher level to go to). Also, how should we treat albums containing sub-albums AND pictures? G3 is extremely loose when it comes how you can arrange your albums and photos.
I've submitted a patch to the problem you did describe to github.
Posts: 253
good point
Yes, I thought of that one too....although I never do it, it is still possible in G3...what about considering that a page including albums and photos should display like a page listing only albums ?
Gallery 3 URL =
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 253
Gallery 3 URL =
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 10
Erlis, this is a great theme, especially since I'm cutting over 1000's of photos from macgallery/ to gallery3, and the users were griping about migration issues and the loss of the hover preview that other frameworks didn't have. Together with serveradd, this is almost perfect!
I did notice some interaction issues with tag clouds and searching though; when you click on a tag, or when you open the options page and search, the results page doesn't seem to display properly (see attached); the bottom panel moves up to the middle of the screen instead (you can see where the bottom right hand side of the browser is, where i have the s3fox and firesizer settings shown). I tested using firefox 9.0.1 and also chromium 15.0.874, on linux mint 12.
I tried your latest build from your github page,, but that didn't solve the problem, and had other issues (when you click on the thumbnail, the picture doesn't display, despite refreshing the browser), so I went back to the official release from your first post. Let me know if you need more testing done.
Posts: 205
Glad you like it.
There were a issue with dynamic pages that have been updated in the latest commit at github
Posts: 10
I tried your latest commit (, and the results page for tags now works well, as does the image browsing. But the search results page still does the same render as per my screenshot before. Let me know if you need any more information from me. Thanks!
Posts: 253
Hi Erlis,
I have tried the latest version from the Github, here are my comments :
- the display bug is gone...well there is a new one : I cannot see any pictures, thumbnails are ok but no works only in carousel !?!.... any other mode (grid, mozaic, slideshow) does not show me any image.
You can see from yourself :
- I also have a little problem with the options menu, I don't know if it as like that from the beginning but I just realized it, when you click on options, the menu appears in a drop down mode, then the option label changes from "Show options" to "Hide options" (and it works) but every time you change page, the menu goes back to closed mode. I don't know if that is what you wanted but I would like it better if it stays open until the user clicks "Hide Options", and that is wherever he clicks in the menu. That would also mean that the menu should not cover the top of the page but "Push it down" when it opens...If it possible of course...
- when using the "Pages" modules, the bottom of the page does not stick to the bottom of the window but at the bottom of the table (my guess), I also realized that the html is not properly displayed...
you can check it here :
The same thing happens when you click on a tag in the sidebar
Gallery 3 URL =
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 205
I'm not really sure you are using the latest version from github.
Your first issue were solved at:
Your second issue is not really an issue as I see it. The thing is that it's very hard to keep state of things that are changed via javascript (If we are not storing it as a cookie or perhaps a setting server side). I intend to keep it in the current state for now..
Two issues in one, when it comes to theming page modules we must find a good way to address this, I can't really write a theme page for each module. In I've added support for dynamic pages (such as tags). But apparently the search module uses another data set wich makes that page harder to port to pear. What I can see from the page you are linking to this issue should solve the problem with the footer.
Posts: 253
I have the version you sent me from this link :
I checked the pear.js and the code is already corrected but anyway the images are showing up this morning, I don't know why it wasn't yesterday but hey...let's be positive
I realized that the same bug is happening when I select "disable effect" in the image transition effects and I try to view the album in mozaic mode.
I understand, thought that you might already have a solution
will try to find my way into the modules' CSS to get the footer down.
Gallery 3 URL =
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 205
So, I've uploaded a new version of pear to github. This version consists of major changes in the javascript code hence there might be some minor bugs that I have not managed to find.
Test the latest version I've added new fixes to support "disable effect" mode. Among with others.
Yes, some pages are now supported in the latest version.
If you like testing the "bleeding edge" I really suggest you to clone the code directly using git..
every time you would like to check for updates just issue the same commands (except for the clone command). This will sync your theme to my latest version.
Posts: 253
The disable bug works now, I can see the pictures... although there is some kind of display bug the first time you arrive on a mozaic mode album, the thumbnails are not displayed at the maximum right side so when you click on a landscape format image, the thumbnails are overlapping the right side of the image. This happened to me only the first time I came to the album, now I cannot reproduce the bug anymore.
The carousel mode is not displaying any photo now.
Yes ! Perfect ! I tested Pages and ContactOwner and it works fine, thanks !
although I had to add
in pear.css, to get a proper alignment of the text in the contact form, still trying to get that form look a little better though.
The search page works as well, although there is a display bug on the thumbnails on mouseover
I am afraid I am quite a newbie in terms of coding...sorry, do you mean using the terminal to sync to the latest version ?
I am on a mac and if I understand well, I cannot use git to sync right ?
Gallery 3 URL =
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 10
I'm not a Mac user, but I often have to troubleshoot Mac problems for a friend, so...
OSX has a command line terminal (Finder / Go / Utilities / Terminal, no idea if this has changed in Lion) and there is a git CLI,
Posts: 253
it works fine on Snow Leopard, thank you
will try with Lion tonight at home but not sure which packages to install for Lion...
Gallery 3 URL =
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 205
Petri: i thougt you were using RedHat (2.6.18-194.32.1.el5) based on your signature.. For Mac there are a nice client for github
I'll have a look at the carousel..
Posts: 253
Here is a screen capture of the display bug I had this morning, it happened again on Chrome 16.0.912.77 for mac.
And now I know how to reproduce it :
On grid mode, I am browsing from a source album deeper until I get to an album with photos in it, then the system changes the mode into mozaic (as set in my theme prefs) and the bug happens. If I change mode to grid and back to mozaic, it displays correctly.
EDIT : this is happening only when "disable effect" is set in the mozaic settings.
Gallery 3 URL =
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 205
Tried to reproduce the bug in mosaic but was not able to do so..
Patch for broken carousel is submitted to github.