Hello guys,
Thanks for all help I have got here in the past.
My question now regards backup, I have to run over a poor connection. I run Gallery 2.3.1
As I understand a complete backup includes
1. the database
2. all files in (all sub-folders of) the g2data_xyz123 folder
3. the files in the main gallery2 folder including config.php and .htaccess (if present)
Since my connection is poor my question is this:
Can I remove any files from the backup to make it easier to backup.
I think my g2data_XYZCODEXYZ/cache folder contains thousands of files. Can I just delete these by ftp without anything happening to my installation or backup? (except maybe running more slowly)
Thanks for the really useful software you are producing and maintaining .
Posts: 16504
FAQ: How can I clear cached data?
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Posts: 25
Thanks nivekiam,
As I interpret your excellent FAQ I should not try to delete cache by FTP but rather through the admin control panel/maintenance.
Posts: 4342
It's unwise to delete cache/images because of significant performance issues. You can delete the rest any way you like; one way is through the admin interface.
Posts: 25
I just checked my
there is no g2data_abc123/cache/images
g2data_abc123/cache only contains the following folders:
I am on a slow connection and cannot check in detail, but my impression is that these four folders contain many thousands of files (guess: 6-8000).
My Gallery2 installation contains about 1500 pics and very little data about the pictures.
Thanks (I am honestly a very content user of G2)
Posts: 1642
You are getting distracted. Just follow the instructions in the FAQ link provided earlier.
Posts: 4342
I'm sorry - my bad - I meant cache/derivative - that's where the resized images, thumbnails, etc go. Unwise to delete them.