Maybe not a plugin, but is there a way to pre-fill every description upon gallery creation or maybe default across the whole gallery ? SOme people might think this is weird but I'm just adding a html snippet in every description and will later comeback and add unique desriptions in addition to that snippet.
I can probably just add the html into the photo.tpl page somewhere? Thanks
Posts: 16
Maybe not a plugin, but is there a way to pre-fill every description upon gallery creation or maybe default across the whole gallery ? SOme people might think this is weird but I'm just adding a html snippet in every description and will later comeback and add unique desriptions in addition to that snippet.
I can probably just add the html into the photo.tpl page somewhere? Thanks
Posts: 8339
in photo.tpl look for something similar to:
and just add an else:
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16
Tried like crazy. I can just add to each item, no biggie.