2 to gallery 3 import
Joined: 2007-07-18
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my gallery 2 was out of date and needing updating. i downloaded G3 and uploaded it to my server. g3 imported all 8280 pictures into g3, and all seems to be working fine. i have a couple questions: 1. the watermarks are not working as they did in my g2 install (please view both url's for example) 2. is there a g3 style/theme similar to my old g2 style/theme? i like the layout, and the over all look of how the thumbnails are in the old g2 install. the new g3 has a side bar, and just doesn't look right to me. 3. "Once your migration is complete, put this block at the top of your gallery2/.htaccess file and all Gallery 2 urls will be redirected to Gallery 3." when this is done can the gallery2 install be deleted? i have a forum with extensive pics linked to it, and want to make sure all will be fine, and could use the extra space. or could i rename the new g3 install file (pictures) to the old g2 install file name (new) and the url's would still work? old g2 install www.ifitsgotwheels.com/new thank you for any help -james |
Posts: 16504
Explain more what you are looking for. There are not as many options with watermarking in G3 as in G2. For example, you can only upload 1 watermark and it's applied to the thumbs and resizes.
No, not that I've seen. Check these 2 sites out:
Everything can be deleted except for the G2 directory and the .htaccess that's doing the redirects. I haven't had luck right now putting G3 into the same directory as G2 and having the G2 URLs redirect properly.
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1. on the water marks on g2 i had them placed exactly where i wanted them and it worked great. thumbnails showed no wter marks, and when you click on the picture the bigger size was water marked, and then the full size image was water marked also. in g3 the thumbnails are water marked, and using a 150x50 pixels water mark it covers up the entire 150pix thumbnails. so id like no water marks on the thumbnails and only on the bigger or the fuil sized image. is there a way to do this?
You can have one watermark for your Gallery. This watermark will be applied to all thumbnails and resized images, but it will not be applied to your full size images. To make sure that your guests can only see watermarked images, you should restrict access to your full size images.
i see this, but does it resize the water mark for the thumbnails?
i had my water mark on the g3 install and it completely covered the thumbnail and you couldnt even see the picture. if there is a way to make the thumbnails not show on thumbnails, id be 100% happy.
2. thanks for the styles links, i found one similar to what i had. no i just have to figure out how to import my old header picture in to the new g3 so it looks like my old style.
3."I haven't had luck right now putting G3 into the same directory as G2 and having the G2 URLs redirect properly..." that scares me. is this a known issue, or is there a better way to upgrade to g3 and not have any problems? last thing i want is 9000 pictures that might not link correctly to them..
thanks for the help
Posts: 50
here is an example of my water mark on the g2 install
Posts: 16504
Regarding watermarks in G3 right now, there are not a lot of options.
You can have it not watermark thumbs, but there isn't an option for that in the UI. You have to change a bit of code:
Also, the watermark is applied or not. If you upload a watermark, G3 tries to apply it to everything, there are no per image or per album options right now.
Same goes for placement, there isn't a lot of choice there either.
For the redirecting, I haven't tried that hard either
I know it works if you have G3 installed into a separate directory as your G2 and the redirects work.
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I had success with this. I may be able to assist if I see your Gallery2 and Gallery3 htaccess files and basic directory structure--if you're still trying to get it to work.
Posts: 50
tour93 Posted: Sun, 2010-12-12 10:48
One thing is sure, to not show watermark in thumbnails just remove "thumb" in line 140 of admin_watermarks.php.
foreach (array("thumb", "resize") as $target) {
foreach (array("resize") as $target) {
And of course refresh the watermarking..."
so i did just this and in the process of refreshing the 7991 pictures.. it takes about 7 hours to refresh all of them pics......sloooooooooooow
ill let you know how it goes.
Posts: 50
it appears to be working. no water makr on the thumbs, and water mark on the pic. no water mark on the fullsize image. ill have to read/learn how to restrict full size image viewing.
Posts: 16504
Album options > Edit permissions
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Do it at the top most album and the setting should trickle down all the way. I don't know about your other permission settings though.
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seems to be working, although i am getting some errors, see attached file.
and i edited the file permissions to restrict full size images.
thanks for everyones help
Posts: 1857
Could be a number of things, but the noffmpeg module may work for you. http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:noffmpeg
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FAQ: Why do I get a Error #2038 when I try to upload more than one item
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i changed the upload more than 1 item Error #2038 seems to be working.
im having a bit of trouble understanding what all needs to be done for the neffmpeg module..
Posts: 27300
From the docs it seems clear to me, install the module and you should be able to add movies in the supported format. You might have to try the server add method as movies are large. Some small movies to test:
If the docs are unclear let us know what needs to be corrected or you can do that yourself.
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